Screenwriting 101

Lessons from the Screenplay

Lessons learnt…
  1. Action lines (in the script) give the scene a sense of atmosphere. They also give actors and directors guidance about their characters and the tone of the scene.
  2. The last line is the point of the scene.
    • Funnel the scene down to its final point of crisis or tension.
  3. Subplot characters echo and foreshadow the narrative journey of the central protagonist.
Your Screenplay

Write a short screenplay:

  • Your screenplay should be formatted using this preformated document.
  • …should be no more than 1 page.
  • …should have a clear climax.
    • The final line should define the scene. Final lines:
      • ‘…it was stolen!’
      • ‘…I think I’m lost!’
      • ‘…you never understood!’
      • ‘…you’re too late!’
  • It should contain a major and supporting character.
  • It should be achievable to film in 8-12 shots some of which should be repeated.

Reflective Journal


Formatting screenplay rules in brief.

Lesson from the screenplay video embedded.

Your learning on how to shape a scene in a screenplay, develop character notes and build towards a conflict / crisis.


Creative Intention

To write a screenplay for a simple scene. The screenplay should include character notes/directions and build to a clear moment of conflict/crisis at the end of the scene.

Decisions you made when writing the screenplay. This must include quotes from your screenplay. Examples could include:

  • Character description.
  • Action lines / dialogue which develop the conflict in the scene.
  • The notes / recording from your group reading and discussion on your screenplay.
    • Did your peers identify character notes and the building conflict?
  • A link to the screenplay that was chosen by the group.
  • Comments on why it was considered by the group to be the most effective.
Development & Extension

The 5 act structure and the self contained structure of each act.

  • Linking narrative with screenplay writing

About Mr G

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