Research Sources for your Comparative Video Essay

In your final video essay, which compares our two films you need to show that you have done some research.

From IB Film Specification:

‘Each student carries out broad research, using both primary and secondary sources, in order to investigate possible areas of film focus and films for comparison from within the areas of film focus, using materials from a range of sources, including original films, critiques, publications and other media.’

In the assessed coursework you should do this research entirely independently and should aim to have between 5-8 sources. These sources will be made up of a combination of:

  1. Your two chosen focus films
  2. Books on your film focus or chosen films
  3. Critics Reviews
  4. Magazine and Newspaper Articles
  5. Video Essays
  6. Podcasts
  7. Websites & Blogs

For this practice unit we have provided some research materials that we would like you to quote in your video essay. We are also going to go to the library later this week to find book!


In pairs divide and conquer one of these resources, which will be allocated to you.

Find 1-3 quote(s) from the source, which you think are useful in developing your understanding…

  1. …the context of the film movement
  2. …the genre (Gothic horror)
  3. …the cinematic style (micro features) of our films

You should also generate a full Harvard reference for your specific source.

Put both the quote and the Harvard reference into this slideshow for the whole class to access when we put together our video essays.

Class Research
1) Media Magazine Articles

Read this article on horror monsters.

Read this article on Horror Genre & Vampire as Metaphor.

Read this article on The Vampire as established in Nosferatu

2) Crash Course on German Expressionism

3) Film IQ – History of Horror

4) Academic Journals

We subscribe to a huge library or academic articles, books and reviews.

You can access the resources here (see below for user names and passwords)

Here are three articles which I found on Film Vampires:

  1. A Century of Vampires
  2. Warm Blooded – True Blood & Let The Right One In.
  3. Here is an article on Let The Right One In.
  4. Themes in Let The Right One In of Exclusion and Isolation
5) Reviews

Roger Ebert on Let The Right One In

Decent Films on Nosferatu

About Mr G

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