Textual Analysis Formatting Rules

Beginning and ending

At the start of the textual analysis, students should clearly state which film elements they are going to discuss.

Students must state the number of words used at the end of the textual analysis.

List of sources

The list of all sources used is excluded from the textual analysis word limit.


Students may use carefully selected and relevant illustrations such as screen-grabs, visuals or diagrams considered necessary to support their analysis of the chosen film text.

These screenshots must be clearly labelled.

The labels, which are excluded from the final word limit of the textual analysis, should contain the minimum information needed to ensure the examiner understands the significance of the illustration. Labels must not include commentary, as this will be considered as part of the textual analysis
discussion and therefore included in the word count.

Preparing the work for submission

The finished textual analysis will be submitted online and students must ensure that their work is clear and legible when presented in a digital, on-screen format.

The textual analysis should be constructed using a common page size (A4 or US Letter) and be typed in a legible sans serif 12-point font.

No Names

The textual analysis must not be labelled with the student’s name in order to ensure anonymity in the marking process.

Academic honesty and in-text citation
  • All sources must be acknowledged following the protocol of the referencing style chosen by the school. (Harvard)
  • If a student uses work, ideas or images belonging to another person in the textual analysis, the student must acknowledge the source as an in-text citation.
  • Students must also submit a separate list of these sources using a standard style of referencing in a consistent manner.

A student’s failure to appropriately acknowledge a source will be investigated by the IB as a potential breach of regulations that may result in a penalty imposed by the IB final award committee.

About Mr G

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