Choosing a Personal Movie


Choose three films you would love to study.

Some advice:

  1. Avoid big franchises movies
  2. Use films that have been on your watch list for a while.
  3. Find films which have won awards or been critically well received.
  4. Find directors who go against the mainstream.
    1. Who are working as independents.
  5. Think of the sorts of films we have studied on the course.
  6. Choose films by a director you admire
  7. Perhaps a foreign language film?


You cannot choose a film we have studied together during the course or in any other part of your IB studies (Extended Essay). So that means Pan’s Labyrinth, The Dark Knight, Nosferatu, Let The Right One In & all the films we studies for the textual analysis are off limits!

Some ideas:


About Mr G

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