Preparing your comparative essay script

Drafting Your Script

By the beginning of next week (Monday 2nd December) you must have completed a first draft of your script. This will probably be in the form of a rough essay.

If you have followed the planning document I introduced last week, it should look something like this:

  • Introduction, justification and context
  • Comparative Point 1
    • Key Scene vs Key Scene
  • Comparative Point 2
    • Key Scene vs Key Scene
  • Comparative Point 3
    • Key Scene vs Key Scene
  • Comparative Point 4
    • Key Scene vs Key Scene
  • Conclusion

It is essential that this draft is completed in time, ready for some peer feedback.

The Read Through

You will all complete a read through of the script and get some peer feedback on the key assessment criteria.

The groups will be 3 or 4 strong and at the beginning you as author will allocate:

  • A timer and someone to count quotes & references to key scenes
  • Someone to listen out for structure and the degree to which you are answering your own question.
  • You will read your own script aloud

You should all use the assessment document to focus the feedback.

You should complete notes as you read through and gather your peers’ feedback at the end on how you could improve your work.

Visualizing The Script (Independent Study)

Once you have received your peers’ feedback on the draft script you need to redraft based on that feedback and convert the essay into a script that will run alongside visuals from the two films.

You should consider the following: At a FAST talking speed (160 words per minute) you are limited to about 1,200 – 1,500 words! I used this website to calculate speech speed. You should test your reading speed by recording you reading out a 200 word section of your essay on your phone, find out your talking speed (remember audibility and clarity are assessment criteria) 

Use this document to drop in sections from your script and screenshots from key scenes + time codes. You must observe the word count limit and based on your own speech speed test you may need to amend this down.


About Mr G

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