Research Sources for your Comparative Video Essay

In your final video essay, which compares our two films you need to show that you have done some research. From IB Film Specification: ‘Each student carries out broad research, using both primary and secondary sources, in order to investigate possible areas of film focus and films for comparison from within the areas of film […]

Horror Cinematography & Sound Analysis

Today we are considering cinematography & sound design that is conventional (typical) of horror films. We will watch Suckablood (BC Horror) in class and use this to consider how the cinematography & sound is typically ‘horror’. Learning Intention: Trying to understand how German Expressionist cinematic techniques were the blueprint for horror films. Task Answer the […]

Representation of the Vampire

Let’s do some close analysis of select sequences from our two set texts. You will be allocated two sequences, one from each film. OUTCOME Your job is to explore the representation of the vampire monsters at these moments in the film. Firstly, do a close micro analysis of: Editing Sound Cinematography Mise-en-scene Then consider, how […]

Batman – Final Essay

Task – A textual analysis essay. Essay title Complete a textual analysis of the denouement of The Dark Knight and answer the following question. ‘Analyse and evaluate the representation of Batman in the final scene of the The Dark Knight (2008) Nolan.’ You should use specific examples of mise-en-scene and cinematography to discuss how Nolan […]