Narrative in Film (Part 3) Non Linear Narratives

Non-linear Narratives Films have a big advantage in how they can tell stories. They are not bound by the rules of normal time! Editing can reorder screen time, which is different from reel time (the duration of the film), and this reshaping of the narrative can add to the audience’s pleasure of the film. How? […]

Narrative in Film (Part 2) Character Function

Narrative Function First off, it is important to note that we are not talking about characterisation or representation! We are talking the role the characters have in the narrative. In other words what is their job in the story? This analysis can give us helpful clues to understand the themes and ideas, especially when we […]

Narrative in Film (Part 1) The 3 Act Structure

Introduction to Narrative (The study of stories) When we study narrative we are exploring… The structure/shape of the stories The big events that push the story forward, causing the characters to act / react. When and how important story information is revealed. How the audience is positioned in the story & when we learn important narrative information […]

Representing Ophelia

Most films follow the story of one character, the central protagonist. Typically this central character has to undergo trials and overcome problems as the story progresses. These trails and conflicts change the character and they learn something essential about themselves or a great truth about the world. Today we are going to look at the […]