Horror Genre

A study of most films will include consideration of genre.

Here is a slideshow to remind you about how to study genre:

So genre is a comparative study:

  1. In what ways does a given film follow the generic conventions of horror
  2. how is it different and…
  3. …can we account for those differences.

Watch a story from Ghost Stories (2017) Nyman & Dyson from 0.22.00 – 0.36.00

Make a copy of this document.

On page two of the document identify features of this film which you think areĀ  conventional of the horror genre. Create a new page in your reflective journal blog. Embed the short film and your analysis of the genre.

This will serve as a useful blueprint and structure (Altman) against which to test our two films, Nosferatu and Let The Right One In. We will ask ourselves the questions:

  • In what ways do our films follow the generic conventions of horror
  • how are they different and…
  • …can we account for those differences.

Remember you should also watch the two films on the previous blog post!

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