So… I’m ready to make some media!

While designing a magazine cover i have to keep allot in mind so to create something successful and effective. Something useful to keep in mind is mise en scene, this means that everything in the shot places some meaning witch is an incredible tool as it can denote allot, for instance the genre can be shown through the clothes that are worn for instance big boots ripped jeans and jackets covers in patches heavily suggest that its punk. the angle and lights can also do something similar for instance a low angle and hard light from the left could make the subject look powerful, i would love to utilise something similar in my shoot as not only does it denote power but could also be used to create mystery. Similarly the distance can make a huge difference, a close up can suggest intimacy and a mid shot can communicate something more casual like a friendship. The typography eg font gives the magazine a drastically different vibe, for instance an cursive serif font wouldn’t fit on a punk music magazine. All of the factors of this make a drastic difference to both the style and presentation of your magazine but also the audience you  cultivate as a result.

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