My Image That Uses Mise En Scene To Communicate Meaning


Made with Padlet

We were allocated it by picking from a hat and we got pop star. We made a mood board on the sort of clothing and what pop stars look like. We then wrote and described about what each photo meant to the genre as shown above. they must look quite nice and innocent and friendly.

Here are all of the pictures that we took of me as a pop star. I dressed up with the clothes that after are research we decide would fit the role of pop star. Personally I think they came out good and all of them come out as I wanted. They all show me as the nice, friendly and confident pop star and it makes me look like the boy next door. this is the exactly friendly look I was looking for and It turned out great.

This image is my favorite and seems to be the image that I will use as my cover. It shows me as a laid back confident guy and this is what I’m looking for. It follows the theme I’m looking for with the image and fits perfectly as an image for a pop star. It shows that I am laid back and relaxed. In conclusion, I think this would be perfect for use. I have the image rotated to the side as I prefer this rotation as I believe it looks better. Whilst taking these pictures I used C.L.A.M.P.S. I used the costume of a pop star, the lighting being bright as outside, the action was me being me laying back like a chilled pop star, I did not use makeup as it wasn’t needed in this, my positioning was lying down with the camera above me to show that I’m the same as anyone instead of a low angle as I don’t want to look dominant but instead I wanted to look laid back in this one, the setting was bright and cheery to show me as a relaxed person. This all gives me much more experiences with applying clamps and actually using it in work and this has helped me learn how to take a good picture that attracts a certain audience.











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