Branding And Mission Statement

My magazine is named “.Wav” after the music file. It strives to reach towards rap and hip hop fans everywhere. It is aimed towards 16 – 26 year old.

This magazine will be trendy and cool and bring in a lot of teens and young adults in. It will show information whilst being hip and trendy. It will bring in a large audience together to find out everything about rap and hip hop in a nice and good looking way. It will stay with all the latest trends and show off and inform all of the latest albums. The unique selling point is that this will show of the inside information and best scoops before anyone else does.

With this magazine I want to convey information on the rap and hip hop community in a fun and edgy way. it will include all of the gossip and drama among the scene. The magazine will be cool and trendy. it will be interesting and easy to read as to not bore the reader. It will include the most recent festivals, albums and singles and give exposure to artists who are featured in the magazine. It will be big and bold and show the reader everything they need to know about the rap and hip hop scene.

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