Front Cover Draft One And Self Assessment


With my magazine cover I tried to make my model look much more edgy and dark than he was in the original photo. I did this on Photoshop by making his eyes purely black, adding more wires constraining him and adding dark grey colors to the images. I then went into in design and added in my mast head and my plug. I added the image in and wrote the name and a slogan for my artist, I put it all together so it looked like a magazine.

There is a lot to improve on in this. Firstly the image of the artist on the front cover would look much better on a double page spread, as it would fit better as its size, and it wouldn’t need to be cropped as it is here. I also feel like the cover has too many empty spaces of which need to be filled. I need to find a better place to put the plug where it isn’t split up as it may confuse the consumers as they may read it the wrong way. i seems a bit overly simple with its design and I feel like I need to add more detail and maybe change up the background a bit.

I will focus on these points in my next draft and try the front cover with a different image and make the cover more based around it as it will be able to fill up the front cover much more and make the magazine look much more professional.

Next time I will:

  • Find a better picture
  • Change up the layout to fill space
  • Change the plug around
  • Make it more colorful
  • Add more text.

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