Curiosity Killed The Cat – A Montage Video

We were tasked to create a montage video based off a random topic given to us, ours being the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”. We started off with making a story board of our 4 scenes, each of which contained 4 shots, where we wrote the camera angles we would need to film and an image to show what was going on in that shot.

We then filmed the video using a DSLR camera to record it on a tripod to keep it stable. We them proceeded to edit it on premier pro adding effects and putting it all together, then uploading it on YouTube.



  • Good cuts between shots and scenes.
  • Good directing of the actors.
  • Good range of shots.


  • Focus was off in a few scenes.
  • Could have used more camera movement.
  • Could have used more close ups and zooms.

In conclusion I learnt how to create a montage and understand Adobe Premier better. I also learnt how to produce a story board and direct actors and create scenes and shots, and capturing them with relevant cinematography.

In future I should work on my weaknesses.

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