Final Pitch And Feedback

We made a pitch in order to have a plan and brief of what we wanted to make as our music video. This helps us get together what we need for it and stay organized. We followed this by doing an interview with our teacher in order to find out what was good and what we need to work on.

6 Positive’s

  • Clear and interesting narrative idea set out
  • Good song
  • Good idea for performance
  • Bassist that is competent
  • Good Plan
  • Good idea for costume

6 Goals

  • Find a drummer
  • Decide on a location for the bed
  • Locations
  • Editing Transitions
  • Access to equipment
  • Need lighting

In the future I will use this as a guideline for my music video and use this to expand on this plan and use my goals to create a god music video which follows the guildines.

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