Star Image

Everyday stars have to keep up a star image in order to maintain the attraction of the media and their fans. They do this by keeping to their themes and wearing certain cloths. This is all very normal for stars to keep their star image.

To help me with my star image in my music video I made a mood board on the key parts of the stars from the song we chose. I added a word to describe a key part of their star image for each picture, I did all this using Canva. This helped me gain the key personality traits and features of their star image in order for us to replicate and emulate these for our star image in our music video. with this, I can take the significant characteristics which the members of royal blood use that captivates their target audience into keeping interested with them as individuals and keeping their branding. This will help us direct our star with the correct mise en scene in order to follow the conventions that they have made for their music theme. We want our star to been seen by the audience as exciting, wacky, expressive and edgy with a good bond between them. We can achieve this with edgier clothes and keeping them together in each shot whilst keeping them being energetic and expressive. This all comes under Richard Dyer’s Star Theory, which is that people will buy something due to the fact they it has a recognizable star in it.

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