Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

I and George did our performance shoot where we took multiple shots of our stars performing the song “Lights Out” for our video.

In this, we experimented with different lightings and camera angles focusing on getting a long video in order to have a base than many with our stars in different positions in order to be able to do jump cuts. We also took many videos of different angles on our bassist doing the riffs which went well and looked very good.

We also took a lot of videos of our drummer doing the riffs needed, unfortunately due to confusion and lack of directing and acting skills we slipped up and our drummer happened to leave his phone and AirPods on the ground which ruined the mise en scene in these shots.

. We need to focus on items left in shot by actors

. We need to direct our actors better

. we need to get more videos in case we mess some up

In conclusion, we got a lot of interesting and well-produced video clips to use but we may need to re-record some drumming videos.

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