Music Video Draft 2 (Includes shoot 2 footage )

We created a second draft for our music video and sent it in for a screencastify by our teacher. We focus on specific parts of our video and still have some parts that need editing and we still need to touch the parts that we have edited up.

We may need some more use of the metaphor “turn the lights out”, with clips such as different lights turning off. We will also need to add in more close ups on the lip syncing to connect with the lyrics more, and more of the drums. Our jump cuts look clean and great and work very well bringing out the pure energy, these were also great use of editing to the beat and were precise and edited to the beat. We should cut more between mid shot, close shots and far shots and cut between them for variety in the performance shots. We need to add more narrative shots to the start. We may need to get a dramatic slow motion of the phone flying through the air to increase the dramatics of the pivotal moment. Overlays work very well. The transitions and the canted angle used was great. Need more drumming shots. Great performance close ups in the bass solo. Great editing with having multiple versions of our star at the same time. The cutting between different angles and scenes work well in the finale of the song. we also need to show more of what the reasons of the break down of the man.

We made sure that we used our tripod and kept many stable shots. We edited our clips to a great extent in order to maintain the good quality of the video. All of our shots are great quality and used in the correct places and use the right mise en scene. We still need to color correct our video which we will do in our next draft.

This previous video was excellent and something that can help us look at what made it so good. The video uses the tripod very well in order to get a variety of shots and keep the clips stable. They use a variety of angles and different distances which really help the video look professional and interesting to watch. their use of the effects works well with their choice of song and fits its aesthetic.

The syncing of music and performance works well and the lip syncing is well done. their mise en scene and choice of costumes fit the music well and show off their edgy theme that they are going for. The performance room they use works well as it isn’t expensive and fits the edgy punk mood of the song and the stars.


. More close up shots

. Color correct the video

. More variation in the shots

. More narrative shots

. Maybe some slow motion shots

. More drumming shots

. More connections to the narrative of the man breaking down

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