Archive of ‘Creative Critical Reflection 1’ category

Hello Media Studies


In media studies, I am looking forward to developing as a person and develop my understanding of media studies. I’m hoping to gain more knowledge on the subject and to find a stride in the world of media.

I have many skills in media such as I have previously worked in photoshop and marketing/promotion. I am skilled in IT, helping people out, and thinking outside the box.

I have many interests in a vast number of media sources and have very good knowledge on different cultures threw time to the present.

In conclusion I will be a great addition to the course and I will enjoy learning about this subject.

My Media Collage

This is a collage of the media I consume. I have learnt that a lot of the media I consume is very entertainment orientated. and that a large majority is made up of video streaming services. Some of the services categorize under:

. Video Streaming Services

. Music Streaming Services

. News And Information Sources

. Content Creators

. Web Browsers

. Social Medias

. Music Artists

. Movies

. TV Shows

They help inform me and keep me updated and teach me about the past. This shows a lot about me and all the media I’m involved with and it can help by showing me what I am into and also have knowledge in these subjects. In order to maximize the popularity of my magazine I will make it entertaining, informative and socially interactive, because these are the reasons audience engage with media.