Archive of ‘Music Magazine’ category

Double Page Spread Second Draft

What’s New?

I did a complete remaster of my last contents page changing almost everything. I change the number of picture too just one large one. I added some nice visuals similar too the one on the contents page. I moved the article over to one page and cut it off as there was too much writing squeezed in, and it would be on the next page. I also changed the font for the headline and added a bold effect on the introduction. I also added a “continued on the next page” so the reader knows.

What’s Next?

  • continued on next page is too big
  • page numbers
  • who are the two in the photo – caption it
  • copy in left hand column is very close to the fold so move it to the right a bit
  • byline and photography by
  • can we add some colour contrast in the photo? some filter? fx?


Double Page Spread Draft 2

Contents Page Second Draft

I changed the fonts around and added a white border to make the page names stick out. I also added a picture as the backdrop as I felt it looked quite plain and boring. I made the colored bars under the text instead of over them, as to make the writing more clearer.

  • page number?
  • smaller WAV
  • more cover lines and more detail
  • cover lines headlines in a different font and then more information about the article. Feature in smaller font
  • caption the photo…who is he?
  • Some boxes for a competition, editors comment/festival dates?
  • can the photo be sharpened in photoshop?
  • check the cover lines for syntax and typos


Contents Page Draft 2

Front Cover Second Draft

I have changed almost everything. I changed the fonts and added more cover lines. I added and photoshopped an entirely new image. I added a barcode. I resized plug and moved it. I rearranged everything.

  • Sharpen the photo in photoshop to make it more produced and less naturalistic i.e. add a filter, fx?
  • the plug for WAV could be smaller/narrower/shorter and less obvious i.e. the Rap magazine for you…or put that at the bottom and then repeat the red line under WAV to give some continuity to the page?
  • move him up
  • more coverlines with more information?
  • move the barcode to the right hand side? price? issue?


Cover Draft 2

DPS First Draft

Click Here For PDF 

Feedback from teacher.

  • columns are unequal
  • headline is not at all catchy
  • photos are all too similar and too many of them….
  • page numbers
  • byline and photography by
  • caption the photoss
  • turn off hyphenate
  • like the chevrons but is it a rap colour palette?
  • standfirst needs to be in bolder, bigger font
  • Drop capital for where the article starts.

Five Targets

  • Work on placement of images
  • Work on spacing out fonts
  • Sort out heading
  • Work with the fonts
  • Maybe add a bit more colour

Location Shoot – Contact Sheets

We went into town and to someone’s house who owns a snooker table to take some edgy pictures and capture the rap / hip-hop energy in our photos. I made my models pose in edgy rapper ways which worked very well in places with good lighting. I had a few mistakes with my cameras exposure and next time I need to remember to check my exposure in different places with different lighting.

These are my two favorite posts as they really put across the strong focused persona of the rappers. They both look wealthy in their expensive room and designer clothes playing pool on a nice fancy table showing off their success in the industry. They look arrogant and as if you should know them and that they aren’t bothered at all with anything.

Contents Page Draft One



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

At the moment this content page doesn’t have an image for me to judge.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

Can’t comment doesn’t have a image as of yet.

  How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The font is very readable and the .WAV mast head is very unique and will catch the attention of customers. On the other hand the page is all uppercase and there’s no lower.    

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively? 

 I like how the mast-head goes down the side on the page and how these two colour streaks cover the majority of the page.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

The layering of the mast head and the placement of the brand logo are interesting and I like how the page numbers and titles are organised.


 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

Well there are no visuals so I struggle to say, the text is fat and big.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

There are no photos.

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

The language used is attention grabbing and different, kinda fits the genre well.


Good, really well, very strong, very conventional, fabulous, really well applied, really dynamic, very clear. LEVEL 5

Clearly, strong, good, satisfactory, conventional, well good sense TOP LEVEL 4

Fails to convey, lacks, insufficient, minimal, satisfactory, functional, adequate, staid LOW LEVEL 4/ TOP LEVEL 3

  • I need to add more images
  • Experiment more with design
  • Adjust text size
  • Number the page
  • Play around with the colors.

Contents Pages

  • The Rapper Who Is Blowing Up!
  • The Up And Rising!
  • Watch Out, This New Rappers About!
  • Five Ways To Become Just Like Your Favorite Rappers!
  • How To Make It Big!

Here I have made some ideas for contents pages, made a slide of inspiration and also made five catchy headlines. These headlines are very big and in your face and really draws the readers in with big news and how they can become big and famous like the rappers. I also made contents page layouts which include a picture to keep it interesting and some with pugs, I also made a big title showing that its the contents of the magazine and made sure there’s a good ratio on the page of pictures to writing as to not overwhelm the reader and keep it light and interesting to read so they wont ignore the text and find it boring. I also made sure to keep enough text there so that the reader can quickly find the sections that they want to read, whilst drawing them in to read other articles with catchy headlines.

Front Cover Draft One And Self Assessment


With my magazine cover I tried to make my model look much more edgy and dark than he was in the original photo. I did this on Photoshop by making his eyes purely black, adding more wires constraining him and adding dark grey colors to the images. I then went into in design and added in my mast head and my plug. I added the image in and wrote the name and a slogan for my artist, I put it all together so it looked like a magazine.

There is a lot to improve on in this. Firstly the image of the artist on the front cover would look much better on a double page spread, as it would fit better as its size, and it wouldn’t need to be cropped as it is here. I also feel like the cover has too many empty spaces of which need to be filled. I need to find a better place to put the plug where it isn’t split up as it may confuse the consumers as they may read it the wrong way. i seems a bit overly simple with its design and I feel like I need to add more detail and maybe change up the background a bit.

I will focus on these points in my next draft and try the front cover with a different image and make the cover more based around it as it will be able to fill up the front cover much more and make the magazine look much more professional.

Next time I will:

  • Find a better picture
  • Change up the layout to fill space
  • Change the plug around
  • Make it more colorful
  • Add more text.

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