Archive of ‘Music Video’ category

Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

I and George did our performance shoot where we took multiple shots of our stars performing the song “Lights Out” for our video.

In this, we experimented with different lightings and camera angles focusing on getting a long video in order to have a base than many with our stars in different positions in order to be able to do jump cuts. We also took many videos of different angles on our bassist doing the riffs which went well and looked very good.

We also took a lot of videos of our drummer doing the riffs needed, unfortunately due to confusion and lack of directing and acting skills we slipped up and our drummer happened to leave his phone and AirPods on the ground which ruined the mise en scene in these shots.

. We need to focus on items left in shot by actors

. We need to direct our actors better

. we need to get more videos in case we mess some up

In conclusion, we got a lot of interesting and well-produced video clips to use but we may need to re-record some drumming videos.

Star Image

Everyday stars have to keep up a star image in order to maintain the attraction of the media and their fans. They do this by keeping to their themes and wearing certain cloths. This is all very normal for stars to keep their star image.

To help me with my star image in my music video I made a mood board on the key parts of the stars from the song we chose. I added a word to describe a key part of their star image for each picture, I did all this using Canva. This helped me gain the key personality traits and features of their star image in order for us to replicate and emulate these for our star image in our music video. with this, I can take the significant characteristics which the members of royal blood use that captivates their target audience into keeping interested with them as individuals and keeping their branding. This will help us direct our star with the correct mise en scene in order to follow the conventions that they have made for their music theme. We want our star to been seen by the audience as exciting, wacky, expressive and edgy with a good bond between them. We can achieve this with edgier clothes and keeping them together in each shot whilst keeping them being energetic and expressive. This all comes under Richard Dyer’s Star Theory, which is that people will buy something due to the fact they it has a recognizable star in it.

Permission From Artist

Before I started making my music video I got in contact with my artist in order to avoid getting in trouble with copyright infringements and to make sure that they were happy with us using their song for our media coursework.

Final Pitch And Feedback

We made a pitch in order to have a plan and brief of what we wanted to make as our music video. This helps us get together what we need for it and stay organized. We followed this by doing an interview with our teacher in order to find out what was good and what we need to work on.

6 Positive’s

  • Clear and interesting narrative idea set out
  • Good song
  • Good idea for performance
  • Bassist that is competent
  • Good Plan
  • Good idea for costume

6 Goals

  • Find a drummer
  • Decide on a location for the bed
  • Locations
  • Editing Transitions
  • Access to equipment
  • Need lighting

In the future I will use this as a guideline for my music video and use this to expand on this plan and use my goals to create a god music video which follows the guildines.

Favorite Music Video from Former Student

I really liked this music video. This is as I really enjoyed the interesting camera shots they used throughout to show a compelling story. the video shows two skaters friendship and uses interesting cuts tow show emotion after the friends died. It uses interesting editing effects to show his now dead friend being there but as almost a ghost or a memory with him being shown as transparent. The song shows the artist off as an emotional caring friend who has deep feelings and connections to those they are friends with.

Perfect Production Group

I made a perfect production sheet where me and my partner wrote our strengths and weaknesses in order for us to work around them.

We will be using this sheet to work around our weaknesses and find times where we are both free in order to film.

Visual Shot List

I created a visual shot list in order to show what shot conventions my music genre use in their music videos. I did this on Padlet where I would write about each shot and how they were used in my genre and follow it with a picture of that shot being used.

This will help me in the future as I can look back on this as I am deciding my shots for my music video and be able to pick out the shots my genre uses to follow the genres conventions.


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