Archive of ‘Preliminary Video Tasks’ category

Test Shoot

We filmed and edited a lip-sync video on premiere pro using a small snippet from our song we are using for our full video. We made sure to include jump cuts and focus on lip-syncing. We tried a=our best to capture the generic music conventions and stereotypes of the genre.

This will help us in the future as we now have practice for what we have to do in the main music video. with this we now have experience with editing, using jump cuts, and lip-syncing. these are key for our music video and we can use this as a rough idea of how our music video could look.

I found that our test shoot went great personally. We successfully used the jump cuts to a great effect and the video in whole looked great with the editing and color correction done after.

Next time I need to work on the quality of the close-ups. I also need to record longer shots and record them multiple times so I definitely have the best clips for the parts of the video that I need them for.

Curiosity Killed The Cat – A Montage Video

We were tasked to create a montage video based off a random topic given to us, ours being the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”. We started off with making a story board of our 4 scenes, each of which contained 4 shots, where we wrote the camera angles we would need to film and an image to show what was going on in that shot.

We then filmed the video using a DSLR camera to record it on a tripod to keep it stable. We them proceeded to edit it on premier pro adding effects and putting it all together, then uploading it on YouTube.



  • Good cuts between shots and scenes.
  • Good directing of the actors.
  • Good range of shots.


  • Focus was off in a few scenes.
  • Could have used more camera movement.
  • Could have used more close ups and zooms.

In conclusion I learnt how to create a montage and understand Adobe Premier better. I also learnt how to produce a story board and direct actors and create scenes and shots, and capturing them with relevant cinematography.

In future I should work on my weaknesses.