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The Look Book

In order to learn what style and methods our band will use on their digipack and social media page we had to research into what other bands do. In order to do this we created a mood bored in order to disect what simular bands use in their marketing, this helps us create a accurate and attractive image for our marketing.

Made with Padlet

Hello Media Studies


In media studies, I am looking forward to developing as a person and develop my understanding of media studies. I’m hoping to gain more knowledge on the subject and to find a stride in the world of media.

I have many skills in media such as I have previously worked in photoshop and marketing/promotion. I am skilled in IT, helping people out, and thinking outside the box.

I have many interests in a vast number of media sources and have very good knowledge on different cultures threw time to the present.

In conclusion I will be a great addition to the course and I will enjoy learning about this subject.

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