Hello, welcome to my blog


Component 3

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music video (major task), together with an official social media page for the band or artiste(s) and a digipak for the album’s release (minor tasks).

Music video final:

Next Up – Dissident Ice

Album Cover:

Front Cover – 

Inside Left –

Inside Right – 

Back Cover and Boarders – 


To help promote my star, we set up a social media page (SMP), this is important because it allows new audiences to engage with an artists content in different ways. I believe that me and my partner did a brilliant job and portraying the Drill genre with amazing graphical designs being put into posts. These posts are also relatable for the audiences as they portray very rambunctious behaviours. Our brand is complete with Dissident Ice being portrayed in the way we want him to be.

Component 1

The front page, contents page and Double-page spread of a new music magazine. This is an individual edition of a music magazine. All of the images and text in the magazine are original and produced by me with a minimum of 4 of my original images.

My front page:

Please click on the image to see the PDF

My contents page:

Please click on the image to see PDF

My double page spread:

Please click on the image to see PDF

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