Music Video – Conventions

My Reflection:

In a music video, narrative, performance and technical conventions are all important as they are the blueprint for a successful music video, keeping the watcher engaged and wanting to watch the music video again. Using Ben Howard’s “Keep your head up” as an example, who used 100% narrative to tell a small story, however it was disjunctive (did not relate to the lyrics at all) this could pull viewers in to try and deconstruct or decode the message that he is trying to push out making the video illustrative.  Now we can move onto the Foo Fighter’s “The pretenders” which was performance for the majority of the music video, it is a fast paced performance along with fast paced editing, which creates an energetic and kinetic video, which will keep viewers watching as the video fits in with the genre of music, the Foo Fighters lip syncing was on point along with the articles of clothing they were wearing, making the video feel like a live performance rather than a music video and further solidifying their star image.

How might this help me?

I now know what what technical conventions to use for my own music video, such as editing, how narrative and performance works and discovering the star image for my desired genre. These will all play a massive part on whether it will turn out good or bad.



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