Previous students work

What makes this a good piece of work?

  • The artists lip-syncing is on point, he does not miss a single lyric throughout the music video.
  • The narrative gives off a primordial caveman type storyline in which the boys go into small caverns to perform animalistic rituals, this met with the good MES gels the video together and makes it look like a high production video.
  •  The star is presented wearing raggy clothes and necklaces further reinforcing the idea of a prehistoric ritual taking place.
  • The music video itself is presented as being fun and lively, this makes it more engaging and enjoyable to watch.
  • The video has a wide range of angles and shots used throughout which further construct the video and give it a more professional feel.


For this assignment I had to analyse previous student’s work, so I could use techniques correctly to make them them as impactful as possible. Firstly I went over the mise en scene, in which was very good

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