Contents Page

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The contents page is very important as it shows what’s going to appear throughout the magazine with specific page numbers to help the reader find what they’re looking for. This makes the magazine easier to navigate around, it also allows the reader to view what pages they like to sound of instead of flicking through struggling to find what they want.



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?

He has used a variant of different shots, such as long, mid and closes up which is unique and adds a cool effect.  

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

His mise en scene choices are limited in his pictures, since he has great lighting, but as little to no hair and make up or film texture. His use of costume works in his favor but could add more contrasting clothing. But otherwise a good use and contrast of mise en scenes

How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The fount used is really clear in the ways it’s used to represent the genre of the type of hip hop he is trying to portray. The use of the slang writing with smiley faces and circles around the capital letter endure that I keep reading, and keeps me notified that I’m still reading a hip hop magazine.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively? 

He’s used all of the technical conventions useful and efficiently, such as incest, cover lines and page numbers, he’s also included a giant sign stating its a context page, but next time it would be nice if he added captions towards the pictures so I know who the guy in the picture is. 

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

Indesign has been used to create an outline of the context page with his title/name written around the outside. I think this is a good use of his resources and time since it creates a sense of gritty hip hop.

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

To a certain extent he’s done them efficiently, but the outline of the picture is a different shade of black. The writing and color pallets have been integrated well.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

Photoshop had not been used. Well he states he cut out the records.

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience? 

The language used is toward an older audience since he uses phrases like, “P30 A PICTURE OF UR MUM”.

My 5 clear targets:

  • Use more cover lines to allow more clarity for the reader.
  • Use more effects to make the contents page more interesting, engaging the reader even further.
  • Use more colourful and a wider pallet to attract the reader and gain more interest.
  • Use PhotoShop to cut out the model to give the contents page a more professional look.
  •  Use subtexts so my readers know that they are looking at.





What is a Contents Page?

My 5 catchy headlines:

“Let the music speak”

“Hip-Hop: the only music that matters”

“What would we do without music?”

“Give in to the groove!”

My reflection:

As you can see I have pre-planned my contents page layouts, this will assist with AIDA and keep the reader engaged as it will help me figure out what layout is the most effective for my reader. The contents page is very important as it is like a navigation page for the reader, it is vital that the reader can navigate around all of the content, and know about what they are going to get out of the magazine they have just bought. As well as this it can also include different and new information that hasn’t been displayed on the front cover to entice the reader even more. For example, mentioning an appearance of a different music artist or more exclusive products and information

Draft 1 Front cover

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My Reflection:

To start off with, the masthead is adequately placed with a “Hip-Hop” type font. The masthead is a good size and is big enough to make an impression on anyone that sees it. It conveys the genre of the magazine very well and will allow consumers to know exactly what they’re getting as soon they look at the front page. I have not used any pugs which will be improved on the final product

Magazine self Assessment:




Front page layouts

My reflection:

I chose these magazine front covers for numerous reasons, they all stood out to me in different ways, for example I really like the photo manipulation in the magazine “UpTop” where the woman has an amazing array of colourful flowers on her head making the magazine stand out and drawing in the consumers. Another example would be the layout of “Time” magazine, it has a very simplistic yet elegant look to it proving that ‘less is more’ in some instances. Finally I would like to incorporate some of the aspects from the encore magazine, this is because of it’s bold lettering, allowing each word to have an impact on the reader and letting them take it all in.

Contact sheets

My Reflection:

In order to brand my magazine even further, I gave my model different items of clothing that would be common place in the Hip-Hop scene. This mixed with the body language makes him look confident and apathetic, this goes well this the Hip-Hop genre as the artists in the Hip-Hop scene portray a sense of partial disinterest. I think that my model reflects my star image very well, this is because my model used the right body language and was dressed accordingly, both helping the character fit in with the scene and play into MES. Another useful tool that was used to brand my model as a Hip-Hop artist was the lighting. The lighting makes the colors that my model is wearing pop more making the outfit stand out.

Production meeting agenda for 1st photoshoot

My Reflection:

In order to create a realistic mise en scene for my genre, it was required that I plan a costume and a specific look for my model, this assures that my model fits in with the genre, and allows the consumer to have some sort of relation towards the model further increasing the chances that a consumer will pick the magazine and read through it. Hence it is crucial that my model was wearing the right clothing items in order to assure that people get a feel for the genre, meaning that they know exactly what they’re getting when they look at the front page.



In order to make my magazine look the part, I must focus on one of the key aspects of a magazine. This is the Masthead, It is key because it is what you associate with the brand of the magazine. Each masthead has a different font and they are usually very distinguishable, this may be due to the weight, size and boldness. I decided to use these fonts as some options for my magazines front cover, this will make my brand recognizable as they are very distinct fonts, this makes it easy for an audience to pick what’s best suited for them. I have kept with Hip-Hops original conventions, this is to make sure that when someone looks at the front cover they will now exactly what is inside.


Star Image-Theirs and Mine

My reflection:

As you can see from my star Images Post Malone, who is viewed as an extraordinary is actually just an ordinary person who expresses the same emotions as anyone else. We know this through my connotations on the first slide, as we can see Post Malone displays deep and meaningful emotions letting consumers relate to him. The outfits he choses to wear are similar to the type of outfits someone would regularly wear, meaning that the outfits he wears are trendy and cool. I would like to have my model dress somewhat similarly to Post Malone and some other artists so I created a slide that shows what my ideal look for my model is.


My Audience Profile

Process of research:

To start off with my research on who my target audience are I researched many different Hip-Hop artists on YouGov, I looked at the most predominant ages and genders that listen to Hip-Hop, what I found was people between the ages of 25-40 who are male listen to Hip-Hop the most, this helps massively as It gives me an idea of how I should lay out the magazine. From my research I also found that people with techy jobs are more inclined to listen to Hip-Hop this is because Hip-hop as a genre of music is promoted for late teens and adults.

My Reflection:

I am doing the Genre of Hip-Hop as you can see the audience age I am looking for is between the ages of 25-40 (millennials). I gathered research through the use of Yougov, through different types of artists demographics you can find who is listening to what. The artists that I will be considering are the following:

  • Post malone
  • Kanye West
  • 50 Cent

These artists will help to find my target audience. They will also give me inspiration as to what is needed for the styling of the model and how the magazine will look. It will help me have a deeper understanding of the demographic and what is wanted from them.





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