How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?



Above is a piktochart that answers the question of; How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?

Chosen Adverts

Here are some adverts I have chosen that could go in my magazine:

I have chosen these specific adverts because they all fit in with the typical conventions of the genre of my magazine, as well as being focal points of interest towards my target audience as they are all brands / experiences which they would typically enjoy or have an interest in.

I will use the ones on slides 3 and 5 because I feel they are the ones that have the best mix of fitting in with the conventions of the genre while also portraying a brand or experience that will draw in my audience. I believe that my audience would also be particularly drawn to these selected adverts because they portray many of the stereotypical interests of my target audience, in the fact that they are generally energetic and chaotic.

Full Magazine Draft 3

Here is the 3rd draft of my entire magazine:

Here is the 3rd draft of my magazine.

On the front cover, I have properly aligned the text on the left-hand side in order to make it look neater, as well as shrinking the barcode to add more emphasis to the cover line. Next, I will add lines under each description on the left to separate them a bit more and make the page more aesthetically pleasing.

On the contents page, I have properly aligned the text to make it look neater.

The DPS has had an almost complete re-vamp; I have adjusted the ratio of the space my main image takes up : the space for my article to about 60:40, which then allowed me to move and re-align my article down the middle of the page. I have changed the font of my article to ‘Acumin variable concept’ as I think this is the most visually appealing font that also works with my genre. I have changed the secondary image by creating an album cover style image and added a caption to it. Finally, I have added a blue swirl effect over the top of my plain white page in order for the pages to not completely juxtapose each other and therefore becoming much more aesthetically pleasing.

Here is a video assessment of my magazine:

What’s Next?

Front Page – On my front page, I will minimise the amount of text in order to make it look neater as well as increasing the size of the cover lines and the main cover line.

Contents page – On my contents page, I will firstly increase the size of my heading, as well as changing the font in order for it to be different to the font of the title of my magazine. I will also, remove the offset of the middle ‘chunk’ of contents and instead separate them with lines similar to what I did on my cover page.

DPS – On my double page spread, I will decrease the size of my body text, change the colour of my pull quote and increase the size of my heading and stand first.

2nd Draft of Front Cover, Contents Page and DPS

Here is the 2nd draft of my cover page, contents page and double page spread:

What’s New?

Front Page: Replaced placeholder text with relevant text so people can know what to expect if they were to purchase an issue of the magazine, Reworded cover line to make it more catchy as well as more aesthetically pleasing, gave the cover line a softer glow to take some of the harshness away and add more emphasis to the words themselves and resized placeholder text in order to make it look neater and fit in with the rest of the design.

Contents Page: Added sub headings to divide the content into categories in order for the contents to look more organised, added more headings in order for the page to not look so empty, and resized and placed the text in such a way that it looks neat without just being in a column in order to be more aesthetically pleasing for the reader

DPS:  Added a pull quote of the top of my main image in order to entice the reader to read on, recoloured and added a shade and a glow over the pull quote in order to fit in with my colour scheme and generally look better, I replaced and recoloured my secondary pull quote to fit on with my colour scheme as well as to entice the reader to read the article, and I added a ‘drop cap’ at the start of each paragraph in order to make the article look neater.

What’s Next?

Front Page: I will re-align my text to ensure the page looks as neat as possible, I will also recolour my model to take away the harshness of the slightly pinky hue I gave him, and I will decrease the size of my barcode to ensure that it doesn’t interfere too much with my main text.

Contents Page: I will reposition and align the text in order to make it look neater and not as jumbled, and I will also smooth the edges of the cutout of my model so they are not so jagged.

DPS: I will change my title to be catchier and more appealing, I will also reposition and realign my article to make it look neater as well as more professional, and I will also experiment with different fonts to see which one looks the best while also fitting in with my genre.





Draft of The Double Page Spread

Here is the first draft of my double page spread:

This is the first draft of my double page spread. For now I have used placeholder text, but I will change that in a later draft.

Three things I like about it include:

  1. The large image that I have chosen to take up a large majority of the spread is well taken and conveys the characteristics of the genre
  2. The smaller image shown on the right will help to tell a story about my star
  3. The layout of the page is aesthetically appealing and easy for the reader to take in

Five things that I need to do are:

  1. Change the font of my article
  2. Change the font of my pull quote
  3. Replace all placeholder text with actual text
  4. Enlarge my title and stand first
  5. Recolour and possibly re-position the pull quote on the left hand side


Second Shoot Contact Sheet(s)

Here are my contact sheets from my second photo shoot:

Here I have compiled all of the photos from my 2nd shoot. I have taken a wide variety, some include more props than others and they are taken across several different locations.

Here is a compilation of the most useable photos that I have taken:

I have selected these images specifically as they are the most in focus, crisp and aesthetically appealing images that convey the characteristics of my genre.