Print media that communicates meaning

Everything has a meaning as to why it is where it is and why it’s even there. When you look at a piece of media, everything has been placed where it is for a specific reason by the creator. There are many reasons why they do this such as to make you think a certain thing or feel a certain way who to imply something in particular. There is always a meaning for why the image is placed where it is, why the creator has chosen a certain colour scheme and what font/fonts they have used etc.

I was given a task to analyse a music poster and I chose to analyse Dua Lipa’s music poster..

After analysing the music tour poster it has made me realize how important the appearance is for the poster and enhanced my understanding of it.

My Thoughts:

I felt her poster had created quite a chilled but yet dangerous vibe which is very intriguing. Once I had deconstructed and analysed her poster I found many meanings and factors as to why it was designed the way it was. I focused on colours, poses/images and fonts involved in the poster and thought about what each thing meant. I think a lot of the factors in this poster reflects back to Dua Lipa herself and her personality. Doing this task has made me see media in a completely different way as I had never really realised how thought-out each thing was and how everything has a meaning and purpose.

Due to looking through the different music tour posters and analysing one it has helped me learn that there are many different components that make a poster an attractive piece of media. To make my own magazine or poster I would incorporate the detail I managed to pick out of the poster I analysed, and use it in my own work. To make a good/successful poster or magazine I will need to ensure the colour, images, clothing, body language and text all fit together into the chosen theme.

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