Brand Mood board and Star Image

Brand Mood board

To help me plan my music magazine I created a mood board of ideas to help me create my magazine. I used Pinterest to to create my mood board which is shown below.


  • I started of my mood board I started by searching up colour schemes/palettes that I would like to base my front cover around. This will help me to plan the rest of my front cover so this was very useful. I then started to search up artist names to do with my chosen genre, such as, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande and Lana Del Rey. Lana Del Rey was a good choice as I also used her for my ‘star image’ blog post. I searched up things like the artists album art, front covers, photos and contents page. This allowed me to get inspiration of key themes and factors within the genre and the artists themselves. This will help me massively when creating my own music magazine as I can incorporate some of the ideas I have found into my own work effectively.
  • All of my images I found helped to inspire me and each key factor and theme helped me to understand more about the genre and ideas themselves. There are a variety of different colour schemes used in the images as some have more of a bold look where the are bright colours used and more colourful. However some have a simple colour scheme of just black and white or natural colours however this still stands out as this can also create a dramatic effect and is still eye catching. There is a variety of different texts/fonts on the magazine covers on my mood board. These include big but also bold fonts, smaller, more sophisticated fonts.
  • I also looked into make up looks that I thought would be good for my model. I chose make up looks that are natural colours but stand out and are bold. This will draw attention to the eyes in particular which is important for the front cover especially. I looked at clothes and jewelry of similar types/styles I want to use on a clothing website called ASOS. I felt this would help me when creating my own music magazine and star image. The clothes I looked at were nothing too bold but some can be quite small. There isn’t much of a limit of clothing for my chosen genre as the model could wear a lot of different things. The jewelry I chose is quite chunky and will help to make and statement and compliment the outfit well.

Star Image

For my star image, I researched Lana Del Rey and how she is portrayed across the media. The main type of media I chose to look at was the News and the stories there but they spoke about other types of media she was involved in such as Instagram. This will give me a better idea of who she is as a person, even though not everything in the media is true.  This will prove Richard Dyer’s theory that the star should be ordinary, yet extraordinary. This means they are ordinary like the rest of us like they go shopping, drive cars and fail exams yet extraordinary as they are talented and amazing. Richard Dyer’s theory also states that the star is both present and absent. This means they are present through things such as fan sites, tweets, social media and interviews, however they are also absent through concerts, interviews and TV. My slideshow shows with the images and stories about Lana Del Rey is below…

My Star Image

I not only had to research an existing star image in today’s world  but I had to use this research and my mood board to plan my own star image. I created the slideshow below to plan the key features that are going to form my star image using MES.

All of my work and research has helped me a lot to plan my own star image for my music magazine. I am now able to use all of this work to look/refer back to as inspiration during the process of creating my magazine. I now understand what a typical music magazine front cover may look like and the key features of a star image. I also know some good ideas for my own star image and magazine.

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