Masthead Design

One of the most important features of a magazine cover is the masthead as it states the name of the product, therefore I went into InDesign to create some of my own mastheads. I used quite ordinary, basic fonts but played around with the different effects and tools to make them more unique. I used effects such as putting in a drop shadow and used tools such as using different shapes, lines, colours and tints. I also changed the vertical and horizontal scale of the masthead which was very useful to use as it helps it to fit on the page better.

I did some independent research on different designs of other magazine mastheads to help inspire me to create mine. This was very beneficial as it gave me some good ideas of some of the different things I wanted to include in my masthead.

After creating five different I had to decide which of my mastheads I wanted to use in my front cover. I have decided to use the second mast head I created as it is bold and stands out even though there aren’t any colours other than black and white involved. This is a good choice I think as it will be easy to read from a far so anyone who see’s the magazine will know exactly what brand it is. What I like about this masthead is the fact it is featured twice even though the black box covers one of the names I think it is quite different to other peoples I’ve seen. The colours will also go well with the outfit chosen for the model that will be featured on my front cover.

Here is my Final Design:

Throughout this task I have learnt new skills on InDesign and will not only help me prepare for creating my front cover but help me in the future with other tasks. Overall this task was very helpful and useful.


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