What is a Contents Page?

The main point of a Contents page is to inform the reader of what will be the main features of the magazine and what will be inside. I chose all these contents pages as most of them are colourful, all stand out and different to a lot of other magazines. As you will see in these contents pages they all include important information such as:

  • Editors hello
  • Page numbers
  • Hyperbole and superlatives in headlines
  • Images and word clues
  • Graphic illustrations and designs
  • Reminder of the magazine’s name and mission statement

I need to make sure I use this important information but make it different so my magazine stands out and is unique to others. This will help create desire i’m aiming for and draw in the attention needed. The contents pages I chose in the slide above are all different. Although some don’t have a lot or any colour which is where I would put in some of my own creativity skills in and include some colour to make sure AIDA is created.

I would like to make sure my contents page is the first page after my front cover as in my opinion I feel it is the correct place to put it as if it is put any later then I think the audience may feel confused and lost. It is important to let the readers/audience know what is going to be featured inside. The contents pages I looked at are all unique and different from each other even though some are quite simple. In my contents page I want to make it so it creates entertainment for the audience and makes them want to read on more into the magazine as this is crucial.

Three hand drawn layouts:


Above are my three hand drawn layout ideas for how my contents page may look or use some of the features from each of them.  My favorite one is probably the first one as although it looks quite clean and simple I feel like it would still be good as it will allow me to use colour schemes and place my text/important information. I have also come up with 5 catchy headlines which will fit my genre of my magazine:

  • Exclusive Interview
  • Top 10 Hits
  • Latest Gossip
  • New Album Release
  • Never Again!

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