Prelim Task Mood Montage


In this task we created a montage to fit with a certain mood which in my case was boredom. To do this we had to learn how to use some basics in Adobe Premiere pro to edit our montage and put it all together with the music. We also used different transitions with our camera and made sure to have a steady shot as well as framing the shot and using a variety of shot distances.


  • Transition worked well and was smooth as the pano went into the next shot.
  • Music and Shots went with the mood of boredom as it was a simple piece of jazz music
  • Used a variety of different distances and shots which shows we thought about what we were doing as well as our ability.


  • Shot of the clock wasn’t steady as the camera was hand held so was a bit shaky so next time would be better to use the stand.
  • Repeated a lot of the shots even though some worked well so a more variety of shots may have been better to show our ability.
  • Some shots are too longĀ  such as the spinning on the car so seem dragged out so next time could cut the shot so it is a bit shorter.

Editing our own montage will help me in the future with my final video as I now know what a montage is and how to edit it which is a skill I can used in my final video. It will also help me with different idea and transitions to use as well has show me what not to do with the mistakes I made.

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