Pitch and Feedback

In this task we had to combine all the groups original ideas into one final idea which would put together as a group. We then created a slide share to present out pitch to our teacher who gave us feedback on what was good about our idea as well as what we could change/improve on.

Our pitch is embedded below.

Below I have embedded the video of our feedback session with out teacher. This will be useful for our group as we will know what is good about our idea as well as what we need to change, improve or think more about.


  • Good story line that goes with the song and will work well and will give us a chance to show our creativity and skills.
  • Costumes work well with our narrative as well as the star images performance.
  • Good idea for transformation as we are using paint powder which will be colourful and unique to a lot of other music videos
  • Acting in the narrative will work well as well as the star images performance.
  • Good ideas with MES to do with the acting, props and costumes
  • Will include performance and narrative which will help us to show we can put together a performance as well as come up with a story line for the narrative.


  • Decide on a location for narrative and transformation with paint powder. Location needs to be light enough to see but dark enough to fit with the story line.
  • Test makeup so we can see how it looks and if we can do it well enough.
  • Think more about lighting, and the costume for the star image need to be pristine not untidy.
  • Think about conclusion of our narrative more so it fits with the song more as the song is all about resilience.
  • Think about rhythm of the song as the beat gets faster throughout so will have to make sure the shot, cuts and transitions fit in with this.
  • We need to make sure we know how we are going to film (different shots, transitions and lighting). Watching different music videos can help us to come up with ideas for this.

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