Test Shoot

In this task we did a test shoot for our music video. We used a short clip of the song and used the main star image to practice with our editing with the lip syncing. We only used our main star image as this is our performance part in our music video and to help get a feel with filming and editing. The final product for out test shoot is embedded below. An aim for this task was to make the star image extraordinary yet ordinary too the audience which is part of Richard Dyers star theory.


What went well:

  • The use of the pan across the star images face was a good idea as gives more of a variety of camera movement.
  • We used a variety of different camera movements including the camera rise when star image standing up.
  • The walking transition was a good idea as backward movement after the star image walks towards the camera creates the illusion that he is walking backwards.
  • We also used each shot to go with a line of the song and attempted to edit it to the beat.
  • We also used a variety of different camera distances such as cut to close up of the lips, close up of the face and mid shots of star image sat on bench and full body shots when walking.


  • Better performance from the star image so it looks like he is actually enjoying himself and his a professional singer/performer. This would also make him more extraordinary and ordinary.
  • More enthusiastic lip syncing to make it look like the star image is actually performing. This will also make it easier when editing.
  • Use a tripod to make the shots more steady as some are quite shaky.
  • Smoother transitions/shots to make the video flow more as it kind of just stops and starts again.

This task will benefit me in the future when creating our final music video as we will have a better idea of what to do and what not to do as well as what works and what doesn’t. It is better to find this out now so we have more experience for filming and editing for out full music video.

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