Visual Shot List for Shoot 1


Before doing our first shoot we created a visual shot list on Padlet of different shots we wanted to use and what we were hoping to capture during out first performance shoot. Our visual shot list is featured below.

Made with Padlet


This task was very useful as it has helped us to think about the different types of shots we would like to use and where we want to use them during our music video. To make sure that our music video is to the highest standard possible we need to make sure we use a variety of shots that also links with our performance and narrative. We also hope to use more than just these shots.

To make sure we correctly film these different shots, angles and distances we need to make sure to use a tripod for our camera as well as making sure the camera is in focus and the lighting is correct. This will give use more time for editing as we will have to do less shoots as we will be prepared and have more clips to choose from.

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