Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)


In this first shoot we only used our performer/star image as we were only filming our performance part of our music video. To know we were prepared we ensured that before going everyone knew what they were bringing and what we were all doing. We went to the Underground Hospital for this first shoot.

(Picture of Annabelle and Lois preparing performer for shoot)
(Naffy’s complete make up and costume)


We have a few things we need to work on but overall the shoot went well. Next time we need to give ourselves more time to prepare our models as it took longer than expected. We now also know how to set up our lights and props so this will save us some time for our next shoot. Considering we were at our setting for 2 hours we spent a lot of the time getting our models ready and not actually filming which wasn’t good as we had to pay £10 an hour to be there. The performers lip syncing and acting has gotten better since our short trial run of our song earlier in the year. We also need to use more of a variety of shots and transitions.

Although we have things to work on we did well with what we had and used our preparation to our advantage. We used our visual shot list for some examples and ideas of different shots to use. We filmed all our footage using a tripod so that all the filming was steady and done correctly. This also helped with getting the lighting, angle and correct distance for our footage.

Targets for Shoot 2:

  • Use our time frame wisely – get our models ready before going into the setting to save time and money for us all.
  • Use more of a variety of shots and transitions as for our first shoot we did not focus a lot on this.
  • Make sure we have enough shots for each part of the song so we have options.
  • Take time with our shots as it will be better to get as much as we can done in one go rather than doing several shoots as this may annoy our models.
  • Make sure all shots are in focus as we cannot use unfocused/blurry footage.

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