Specsavers Feedback

We were lucky enough to have some of the Specsavers Creative Team come into school to help us out and give us some useful feedback to help with our music videos. This was a very helpful opportunity to have due to them having a lot more knowledge using the programme and creating videos.

Here is some of the feedback they gave to us:

  • Make sure to edit to the beat at the more fast, upbeat parts of the song otherwise it will look out of place if some clips go with the beat and some don’t
  • To use a fade in and out for the flashbacks we have included in our music video to make it more noticeable what it is and so the shots don’t look out of place.
  • Also to change colours for the flashback clips and to darken the majority of our clips to fit more with the dingy feel of the setting.
  • To organise our clips so we know what they are and where they go in the video as our some of our shots in the video are out of place and needs to show the story of our narrative well.
  • A thought would be to use our new shots at the end of the video as a change of location otherwise it may get confusing.
  • Make the narrative flow better to create a narrative arc so it doesn’t ruin the big reveal at the end as we have used shots for the end of the video in the middle which removes the point of the whole narrative.

This was a very useful lesson to have as it showed us some possible adjustments and new effects to add in to make our music video look more professional. It was also nice to have someone else’s opinion on our video, who also has knowledge about the process themselves.

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