Evaluation of shoot or graphic design

Evaluation of shoot:

For our photoshoot we planned for all of our images needed for our digipak, we made sure we were organized by knowing what shots we needed and making sure we had the correct equipment to do so. When taking our shots during out shoot we made sure all images had the right angle, distance and lighting that we wanted to fit with the meaning throughout our digipak. We also needed to ensure that our images would help to target our target audience well as well as our genre of music. This shoot helped us to but our creative minds in gear and be able to start creating our digipak.

What went well:

  • We were organized as we had a clear plan as to what we wanted to achieve during the shoot.
  • We ensured we used a mix of different angles and distances throughout our shoot to show our capability and knowledge on camera skills.
  • We got a variety of different textures for both our inside pages and front cover which shows our commitment to going out of our way to find and create them.

What could have been done better:

  • Taken more pictures of the star image for the front cover so we had more to choose from.
  • Had more textures to choose from to be able to have a creative digipak

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