Month: September 2015

Vine- Camera Angles

For this project, we were set the task of creating a vine. This consisted of four different camera angles: mid shot, crane, track and two shot.

A mid shot is a shot taken at medium distance, this shows the relationship between the character and their surroundings, it also shows us how the character is feeling as we can see their facial expressions.

A crane shot is when the camera is above the ground and moves through the air in any direction. This depicts the setting surrounding the character and gives the viewer a sense of surrounding.

The tracking shot is when a mobile framing travels forward, backward or laterally. This type of shot allows us to travel with the constantly moving character, therefore this allows the viewer to almost feel as if they are there, as they are experiencing what the character is doing.

The last angle (two shot) is when there are two figures in the frame at the same time. This allows us to explore the relationship between the two, and make us question their bond.

Therefore, here I learnt about these four different camera angles and how to actually create them my self. Due to this I now know what each shot is called and therefore this will be useful for my future thriller opening sequence. From this task, I will now be able to use a variety of different shots in my thriller to make it even more interesting and therefore as good as possible.


The Brief

The Brief:

The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.

The genre of film which you are going to make is Thrillers.

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