Month: December 2015

Shot List- Re-Film

Shot list

Please click on the image to view the Shot List

In this task we had to make our second shot list for our re-filming. Here in this shot list we have included all the shots that we needed to re-film and extra shots that we thought would work well in our thriller. This will help us on filming day as we can see exactly what we need to film and what type of shot we will be filming in for each one. The shot list will help us to save time and therefore make sure we do not forget to film anything. This will help us to be a lot more efficient and productive in our filming time.


Production Meeting Agenda- Re-Film


For this task, we had to make another production meeting agenda for the re-filming session we will be doing soon. Here we completed who is acting/ filming and who is bringing what props/ costumes.

This document will help us, as it will inform us who is bringing what props and therefore this will ensure we are organised. So, this means nothing will be forgotten and we will not be set back even further. Therefore, from this we learnt just how important it is be well prepared, if we had not done this we may forget a very crucial prop.





Rough Cut- Reviews

Rough cut reviews

Please click on the image above to go to the video where you can view the comments.

After posting our thriller rough cut to YouTube, we received a few comments that gave us some critical feedback. They told us important they we may have missed in the first place and therefore they will help to improve our thriller. From this task we have learnt it is important to have a second opinion because it will help to better our thriller.

Some of the things that were mentioned in the comments, were that some of the shots were too dark. It was also mentioned that the torch light was quite distracting and we should do something to try and fix that. Someone also said that a few of the shots were too long and therefore made it a bit boring.

We have now made another shot list of what needs to be re-filmed and so we are much more prepared to re-shoot parts of our thriller. We have decided to re-film roughly 10 more clips that will hopefully piece together our thriller.

A few of the targets we have set ourselves:

  • To re-film any dark shots, so that there is no dramatic lighting change.
  • Edit clips that are too long, this will be done by either cutting them down or it can be used during parallel editing.
  • Cut between shots in the bunker with the distracting torch light. Hopefully by editing these few clips, the light will be not as noticeable.

Rough Cut- Thriller

In this task, we had to quickly put the clips we filmed in order so they made some sort of narrative sense. Although this clips at the moment do not flow properly, it gives us a brief outline of what our thriller will look like. The opening sequence at the moment is 3 minutes and 33 seconds long, however when we finish editing it properly it should be 2 minutes long.

From this task we learnt that it is important to make a rough cut, as this shows us things that do not work and what needs to re-filmed. Here we can see that a few more close ups are needed and a lot of the clips are too dark, without the rough cut we may not have seen this until a crucial point.

Shooting Day Evaluation

We have now completed the task of shooting our thriller and so we have the footage needed for our opening sequence. By the time we made it back to the Fort we were left with roughly two hours shoot our thriller, however we did end up staying an extra 2 hours to complete the shots we needed as we did actually run out of time.

High points to the Day:

  • We have a variety of different shots and therefore we have enough footage to experiment with when we are editing.
  • There was a lot of team work, and so we worked well together.
  • We managed to shoot all the shots we needed.

Low points to the Day:

  • Probably would be better if we had more varieties of the same type of shots, as this would explain the narrative better.
  • As we stayed later, the lighting did get quite bad as it went dark quickly.
  • It took much longer than we expected to shoot.

Targets for Future Filming:

  • Give our selves more time to shoot.
  • Take even more variations of shots.
  • Try not to get too stressed about shots/ timing as this does waste valuable time.


I like this shot because it is a representation of the mise-en-scene in the bunker, it also foreshadows what will be happening later on in the thriller.


A few pictures from the day:




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