Foley sounds are those sounds that are recorded after the filming of a film. These are done to emphasize any important noises that the viewer should hear. This include things like heightened sound of footsteps, door slamming, rustling of paper e.t.c. By making our own sounds we will not risk being copyrighted and therefore have full ownership of the material. In this task, we learnt how important it was to do these sounds, as they will help to develop our thriller even further.

Below are some images from when we recorded these Foley sounds:

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.32.07

Here we dropped a scarf to mimic the sound of the balaclava dropping.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.33.34

For this one we tried to replicate the noise of the rubbish when Ewan sits up from his ‘bed’.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.36.14

We used these beads on the radiator to imitate the sound of rain in the bunker.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.35.06

We also recorded actual water in the drain pipe to mimic the rain.