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Sound Effects/ Music

For this task, we had to start adding the sounds and background music we wanted to use for our thriller. We used things like the ‘razor’ tool and cutting down tool to really select the specific clips of sounds we wanted for the thriller. During this process we also used the ‘audio gain’ function, to make some clips louder/ quieter depending on whether it was a more prominent or background sound. We did the above tasks on Premiere Pro. We also used a programme called ‘Audacity’, through this we were able to change the pitch and speed of a few sounds to make them fit with our thriller a lot more. One example of this is the heart beat that we use at the very end. With the use of audacity we were able to quicken the one heart beat up multiple times to get a quickened effect. Furthermore, we feel that the use of this particular sound helps to indicate to the viewer, how they should be feeling at this point.

By doing this, we have learnt how important it is to be accurate when placing sound into a media clip. We all feel the use of music and sound has really helped to improve our thriller, and bring it together. It creates tension and therefore makes the viewer anticipated for what will happen in the near future.

Below are a few screenshots of the work we carried out:


Audio Gain


Razor Tool



Editing in Audacity



Draft 3 and Sound

Above is the draft 3 for our thriller (Sub Zero). For this draft we had to add all of the music and sound we wanted throughout the opening sequence. We added various sounds that we feel have really improved the thriller. These included four differences choices in background music and many different diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. By adding this in, these helped heighten and exaggerate the parts we felt were necessary. An example of this is during the marching montage, we recorded extra breathing to emphasise that this was a high tension moment and the fact it was a POV shot. Overall, we think the adding of sounds has really helped to bring our whole thriller together and make it appear a lot more professional.

Foley Sounds

Foley sounds are those sounds that are recorded after the filming of a film. These are done to emphasize any important noises that the viewer should hear. This include things like heightened sound of footsteps, door slamming, rustling of paper e.t.c. By making our own sounds we will not risk being copyrighted and therefore have full ownership of the material. In this task, we learnt how important it was to do these sounds, as they will help to develop our thriller even further.

Below are some images from when we recorded these Foley sounds:

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.32.07

Here we dropped a scarf to mimic the sound of the balaclava dropping.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.33.34

For this one we tried to replicate the noise of the rubbish when Ewan sits up from his ‘bed’.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.36.14

We used these beads on the radiator to imitate the sound of rain in the bunker.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 13.35.06

We also recorded actual water in the drain pipe to mimic the rain.


Sound Moodtrack

We all thought that this sound track would work especially well at the beginning of our sequence. We believe this because it is evident that although it builds tension for the viewer, it is not too extreme and therefore would work well at the start.

Again we think this track would fit well at the beginning of our thriller, therefore it has been difficult to decide between the two. We feel this music also creates mystery and suspense. However, one issue about this is that in some places it’s not loud enough.

We believe that although this was this was in fact a good ambient sound, it did not fit the style of our thriller very well. Overall, we feel that the other sounds we have chosen would work a lot better.

Once again, this soundtrack would work quite well for our opening sequence. We really like the pace of it and the tension it builds, however in some places it’s just not loud enough and therefore would not be appropriate.

Furthermore, we believe that this would suit the beginning of our thriller, as it once again builds u the tension and makes everything much more dramatic. Although, we had the same issue with this clip, with the fact it was simply not loud enough and was overpowered by other sounds we used.

We liked this clip for the overall background music in our opening sequence. Moreover, we feel like this simply creates a sense of nervousness for the events about to take place.

Above is a sound clip of someone breathing. We believe the use of this clip would be good in our marching montage. The POV shots needed something to make the viewer feel as if they are walking in this characters shoes. The use of this sound will make the viewer feel as if they are there.

The use of debris will really emphaisise the living conditions of this character. The viewer here, is really able to notice and pick up on the mise-en-scene here, making the clip a lot more interesting.

We felt like this would be an important element to use, this is due to the fact it appears to be fairly windy when the teens are walking around. This therefore will make the shot appear much more realistic for the viewer.

Again we would also maybe this as one of the sounds to represent the visible wind in a few of our clips. We believe it would work quite well and emphasise the atmosphere the teens are currently in.

In this task we had to find a various amount of sounds that we thought would fit fairly well in our thriller. We were inspired by quite a few and thought many of them could  work well throughout the opening sequence. While researching we found sounds that could work as background music and also diegetic/ non- diegetic sounds. An example of this is the morse code we used for our thriller title.

Some of these sounds include things like breathing, debris, whooshes and noises of the wind. These specific sounds will help to connote the tense and dramatic atmosphere we hope to portray. We believe these sounds most definitely connect to our thriller and the feeling we wish to create. Once more we hope that with these sounds we are able to represent how each character feels and how the audience must feel.

During this task, we learnt the importance of finding the appropriate music/ sound for our thriller. However, we also learnt how hard this can be and how time consuming this process is.

Soundscape Running Order

soundscape order

Please click on the image to view the Soundscape Running Order in more detail.

For this task, we had to make a list of all the sounds that we would need to either record or find after filming day. The majority of these are Foley sounds and therefore we will need to record them. This has helped us because we became a lot more organised and really understood what we needed to do next.

Synaesthesia Soundscape

Synaesthesia refers to the process when senses provoke other senses into action i.e. hearing colours, seeing tastes, feeling sounds.  It can also be ‘ideasthesia’.


Please click on the image to view my wordle.

In this task, we had to listen to this clip and write down things we envisioned. Here this helped us to understand how important it is to find the perfect sounds/ music for our thriller. This will be useful, as it will ensure that we think a lot more carefully about what sounds we do decide to choose, therefore this will help to improve our thriller opening sequence.


Titles Feedback





After posting our finished draft 2 to YouTube (that consisted of our added titles), we needed to get some feedback on things we should improve. We asked various media students for their opinions on these titles and what they thought we needed to improve.

We asked three different people the following questions:

    • Is the font of the titles suitable to our thriller?
    • What is your opinion on the positioning of our titles?
    • Are the transitions of/between titles conventional?

Some of the targets we received were:

    • To change the positioning of a couple of titles as the white colour was hard to see in some places.
    • To think about whether our main title should appear slightly later on and not at the very beginning of our opening sequence.

Draft 2 and Titles

For this task we had to edit out thriller opening sequence further. We did this by cutting some more clips and changing the colour/ brightness. This has helped to improve our thriller greatly. We also had to add titles and their transitions for this draft, this enabled the thriller to start to look professional and really start to come together.


Effects and Titles

Here are a few screenshots from our work in after effects. These show what we did and what tools/ techniques we used:

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 12.30.17

Here is the font design we decided to use.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 12.26.35

This is a screen shot of the overall workspace, you can see how we laid out the titles and their specific timings.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 at 12.28.22

This screenshot is one of the titles animation we decided to use, it is clear here how we found this transition and what one we actually used.

In this task, we had to create our titles for our thriller. Here we had to decide what font and transition would look best and fit with our thriller the most. For this we used text boxes to place our titles where we preferred them to be. We also used the effects and presets section to find our transitions, when we went into this we clicked on text, 3D text, animate in and selected the transition fade up characters. Furthermore, we believe that this transition worked best for our thriller and goes well with the font we used. This font is called ‘Courier New’, we put this in bold for the job titles and in regular for the names.


Font Designs

Font Deisgns.

Please click on the image above, to view our document in more detail.

Next we had to decide what font we would use for our titles. We went through a lot of different fonts, to find the most fitting one. It was decided we wanted a simple but bold title that would stand out, and was very easy to read. In the document, we have selected 3 that we liked and 3 that we didn’t like. This has helped us, as we now understand how important it is for the titles to be as readable as possible for the viewer.

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