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Risk Assessment

risk assessment sheet

Please click on the image to view it in more detail

In this task, we had to outline the risks for our thriller and how we would prevent them. These risks included things like steps and any unprotected walls. If we did not analyse these risks, this could lead to some sort of injury. This enabled us to identify what could possibly go wrong and how we could stop this. It also made us aware of these risks and so if they were to happen we would be more likely to know what we are supposed to do


Production Meeting Agenda

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Please click on the image above to view the whole production meeting agenda document.

From this task we learnt how important it is to have a clear and set out plan of what will be happening. This document informs us of everybody’s roles and therefore nothing can be forgotten, it has made sure that everything we need is being brought by someone and so this allows us to become a lot more organised.

This document tells us things like who the actors are, what costume and props are needed and who is filming the thriller. The document helps us to clearly identify who is doing what and therefore we are now a lot more confident on who is doing what and what each of our roles are.

Shot list


Please click on the image above to view the shot list.

In this task we had to create an organised table of the shots we would be taking while filming our thriller. Here this table includes a chronological list of all the shots we would be taking and therefore gives us a straight- forward document of our shots. This will help us become a lot more organised when filming and therefore we can work a lot more efficiently. This has taught me that in the future is important to take a clearly set out list of what we should be filming and when, as this will ensure we get all of our footage filmed.



This storyboard is a document of our thrillers storyline. It contains things like the different shots, costume and brief descriptions of what will actually be happening in each individual shot. The storyboard will help us a lot when we are filming our thriller, because this is something we are able to stick to and therefore we can quickly film what we need to without any confusion.

This task has taught us that it takes a lot of time to think about what each shot should be and how different shots add to the tension in the thriller. It has also taught us that a range of different shots are needed to be able to make the thriller a lot more exciting and therefore interesting.

Extended Step Outline

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Please click on this image to view the table in more detail


From this task I have learnt how important it is to have a detailed and clear storyline. This allows us to focus on this and therefore find the best way to shoot the thriller, therefore we can now imagine the different shots that would work best and make the thriller a lot more interesting for the viewer.

This task has also helped us with the organisation of the whole project. We now have a clear outline of who the actors are, the point of the scene and what the ending question is. From this we now have a clear idea of what direction we will be taking our thriller in and how we are actually going to film it.

Thriller Preparation- Moodboard


Click this image to view my Moodboard


Click this image to view Ellie’s Moodboard


Click this image to view Morgan’s Moodboard

In this task we had to come up with our own individual ideas of what our thriller should be about. After this we then collated our ideas to come up with the final story line for our opening sequence.

My idea was that there could be a group of teenagers who go into the ‘no entry’ Fort, here there is a psychopathic old man who wants to relive the war. This means he is dressed in a soldiers uniform and wearing a gas mask. Once inside the Fort the teenagers begin to realise strange things are happening and eventually they come face to face with the ‘German soldier’. The Fort in this opening sequence appears quite dark, therefore this implies that there are dark shadows and alleys where the antagonist can lurk before attacking his victims.

Ellie’s idea was that there would be a couple of students that were going to the Fort to take a few pictures on their Polaroid camera. Once inside the Fort they put a printed picture down and turn their back on it. Eventually when they return to the image there is an ‘x’ mark through it, shortly after this they come face to face with the psychopath living there.

The idea that Morgan had, was that the Fort was being attacked by zombies where those who were still human were hiding. The Fort would act as the ‘safe place’ where the humans could protect themselves from the zombies. These humans would use the cannons and guns to shoot the zombies around the Fort and those who were climbing up the walls. In the Fort the humans are trapped as it is surrounded by zombies and therefore they live their lives there.

This task helped us because now we have a clearer idea of the story line we will be going for, this means we can now start to figure out a structure for our thriller opening sequence. Also, by having a clear story line from this point we can now work hard on making the best opening sequence possible, by focusing on different shots, music, mise-en-scene e.t.c.

Narrative Codes

Narrative codes

Please click on the image to view it in more detail.

It is said that there are 5 different codes used in TV programmes and films, these are:

  • Enigma= This is the mystery within the piece, it leads to the audience asking questions about what might be happening.
  • Action= An action code is something or someone that helps the story move along.
  • Semic= This is something that represents a particular feeling or emotion, it could be a form of foreshadowing. Example= the colour black connotes death.
  • Symbolic= A symbolic code is something that may perhaps symbolise something else. This is usually done through opposites to show the contrast and therefore create a greater meaning.
  • Cultural= Things that have a scientific or maybe even historical meaning.

From this task I learnt how important it is to actually include this things to make a successful thriller. Without these five codes the thriller would very quickly get boring and therefore not be appealing to the viewer. I also learnt how to include this codes and what sort of things we should do to make them significant to the viewer.

Montage- Editing Task



In this task we had to film a short montage. Here we were told that we would have to be able to hold a steady shot, frame a shot and have a variety of shot distances.

3 strengths for this task:

  • we used a variety of different shots.
  • The music fit the scene.
  • All of our shots were steady.

3 weaknesses for this task:

  • It was not clear what Morten was upset about (needed close up of laces untied).
  • The music did not really flow, it jumped from one song to the next.
  • Some of the shot framings could be improved.

From this task I learnt new editing techniques and how to make a smooth running montage. I also learnt how to insert audio/ music into Premiere Pro.



Production and Distribution: Conglomerate



During this task, I learnt about things which happen behind the camera in a big budget film. Here I found out about all the different roles needed and various production patterns. You can see the research I found out about the production and distribution of ‘Spectre’ by clicking the pictures shown above. The main difference between a conglomerate and indie is the budget. A conglomerate film has a much bigger budget than an indie film and therefore this is the reason they tend to have a better USP (unique selling point) like a famous actor/ director.

Production and Distribution: Indies





In my opinion, I think this task will be very useful in the future because it has taught me what actually goes on behind the scenes in smaller production films. Please click on the pictures above to find the work I have researched about the production and distribution of the films ‘Locke’ and ‘The Messenger’. The main difference between a conglomerate and indie is the budget. A conglomerate film has a much bigger budget than an indie film and therefore this is the reason they tend to have a better USP (unique selling point) like a famous actor/ director.

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