Specsavers’ Feedback – Draft 3


Friday 30th we had people from Specsavers to come in and watch our draft 3, so we could get some advice on our music video so far. We were given up to half an hour with one creative proffesional who specializes in film and editing videos. These people would help us understand our strengths and what we could improve on to make it even better, and hopefully teach us some editing and effect uses. The proffesional who sat down with us and assed our music video was called Lenny.

What Lenny liked about our music video

Lenny enjoyed our music video saying that it had a very indulging narrative that kept you intertained throughout. He was impressed of how many different clips had been incorparated into the video and the order of these clips as well. Lenny pointed out that the clips fast speed and short lengths complimented the type of song we had chosen really well and changed well with the rythm and beat of the music. He throughoughly enjoyed our stop motion clips and said we had some good camera movement that mad the music video feel fun and excting.

What Lenny advised about our music video

Firstly Lenny noted there was such a big consistency of short snappy clips meaning to odd few clips that were prolonged seemed a little too tedius compared to the rest of the footage making those clips feel a little awkward therefore he suggested we needed to shorten these clips. He also noted that we needed to play around with the brightness, saturation and contrasts of each clip as filming on an old film camera has resulted in a lot of dark footage.  When presentiung to video to Lenny we still had a lot of gaps of footage in our music video from missing footage that we still need to film so the obvious and massively important task is to get that footage shot and assembled into the video. He also showed us a lot of intriguing effects that we could apply and play around with to add that trippy and surreal touch that we were looking to apply.


In order to help the music video flow better Lenny suggested we played around the position and scale on a prolonged clip that he presented to us. This clip featured the woman’s first encounter where the office worker is handed a speaker. By playing around with the position and scale we can zoom into the office worker and then get a reaction shot of the dancer to ensure that the clip provides a range of shots instead of staring at a long shot that provides all the content we need and therefore there is no use of it needing to drag for so long. A vital step we need to do is film the rest of the footage we need to be able to fill in our gaps within the music video, luckily we know exactly what shots, costumes, locations, lighting, makeup, etc, that we need so all that needs to be decided is when this is gonna get done by. Lenny directed us to ‘Lumetri Colours’ which allowed us to sellect what ever clip we wanted and dabble with the saturation, highlights/shadows and even colouring tints to select over. Our aim is to firstly boost the brightness, contrasts and saturation of these clips and then afterwards we can then begin adding colourful tints and effects found in ‘Video Effects’. The video effect provide you with many different options that you can apply to your music video such as dissolve, distorting, etc… Overall I am very happy that Lenny found the video encaptervating as I really wanted to make sure it would hold peoples attention and not be overly repetitive. I am also very grateful for all the tips and advice on the music video and feel eagar to get to work.

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