Task 20 – Case Study Index (and Task 19 – take a copy of the class slideshare)

Make sure you take a copy of your Class Case Study slideshare first of all and rename it as your own. You can then thin it down and delete ones you don’t like. Or redesign slides etc.

All the instructions and templates are on the blog but listen carefully to Mrs Cobb’s outline and explanation.

Remember to  use examples from across the Class Case Study Slideshare, Anima and the Voicethread Sandbox recording or pdf.

Distance Learning – Week 5 – Distribution

Well done for completing the first section of the Music Industry – Production and Ownership. We have been delighted with how you have responded to it and your grasp is clear from the essays we have marked. Well done.

Week 5

We will be setting some more tasks on classroom for you to complete and then mark off on the blog.  This week’s work will look at Distribution in the Music Industry.

Distribution/Digital Technology

This stage of the process in the Music Industry relates to the way the music will actually get to the customer. In our day, it was recorded in studio, pressed in a vinyl factory, put in a van/train, delivered to a shop/radio station and then could be listened to.  Time consuming, heavy, costly and bulky but all organised and funded by the record label (although the artist would eventually pay from their profits).

Now with the digital revolution, it can happen much more quickly, cheaply and a track can have so much more coverage, reaching more audiences worldwide with literally the click of a button.  Artists can manage digital distribution on their own but also engage the services of digital distribution companies.  But with global access comes issues with piracy too and lack of ownership.

So this week we will be splitting the learning up as follows:

  • Session 1 – Distribution Video 1 – make notes – Task 7 – complete notes sheet (0.5 hr)
  • Session 2 – Distribution Video 2 – make notes – Task 7 – complete notes sheet (0.5 hr)
  • Session 3 – Listen and watch x 3 videos – make notes Task 7 – complete notes sheet and then submit once all 5 videos have been watched and notes written (1.5 hrs)
  • Session 4 – Pros and Cons table of traditional and emerging models of distribution – Task 8 – complete Distribution worksheet (1 hr)
  • Session 5 – Read your allotted case study on the Class case study slideshare and make notes (1 hr)
  • Session 6 – Compile slide and add to the Class case study slideshare (0.5 hr)

Please try and do a little each day and then update the blog league. Check classroom daily for the new tasks.

We miss you.

Mrs C, Miss H and Mr G.