Task 20 – Case Study Index (and Task 19 – take a copy of the class slideshare)

Make sure you take a copy of your Class Case Study slideshare first of all and rename it as your own. You can then thin it down and delete ones you don’t like. Or redesign slides etc.

All the instructions and templates are on the blog but listen carefully to Mrs Cobb’s outline and explanation.

Remember to  use examples from across the Class Case Study Slideshare, Anima and the Voicethread Sandbox recording or pdf.

Virtual School – Weeks 3/4 – Easter – Task 6

This is also on classroom so look there too.

It goes without saying that you should all endeavour to bring your blogs up to date. If your Music Video work is still incomplete then do your best to edit the lip sync and get your own personal pitch up along with any music video analysis that is overdue.  Whilst this work is ‘parked’ at the moment, it would be good to get this done and dusted so we are all ready to march on once we are back at school and able to do practical work.

Happy Easter holidays. Look after yourselves.

Keep in touch if you need help.

Mrs Cobb, Miss Hales and Mr Gregson

The Music Industry Part 2 – Please read and listen to this before you tackle the task in classroom

The Big Three – AKA The Major Labels

The Big 3 labels are dominant players in the music industry.

They are in turn owned by massive media conglomerates.

But, what is a conglomerate?

Slide show on conglomerate in classroom.

So, what does a record label actually do?

And who are the Indies?

This article outlines some of the best indie record labels on the scene.  Click on the arrow on the right of the photo to see who the label is.

Task 1

In groups complete the allocated slide for one of the record labels you have been allocated. The Slideshare is in classroom.


Remember when you see a term like ‘institutions’ in a question, then you are being asked to consider those who are responsible to making the media (labels, producers, performers etc).

When you see the term ‘ global institution’ you are specifically looking at the ‘Conglomerates, The Big 3.’

When you see the term ‘audiences’ you are looking at those who consume the music – you.


micropayments, creative control, platforms, music establishment, back catalogue, rights/royalties, contracts, business model, digital revolution, democratisation, digitalisation, globalisation, The Big 3, global institutions, institutions, audiences, investment, antiquated, out of date, investment, music ownership, innovation, adapt or die, pioneering moves, adaptability, indies, niche, promotion, transparency, streaming, downloads, labels, conglomerates.

So what am I up against?

You need to understand the market for your magazine.  This task will require you to do some research into what is available currently as print magazines and also online for your genre of music.

You will then analyse their formats and content to give you some ideas of where and how your magazine will need to be compiled.


  • Use this document to craft your narrated response.  Take a copy.
  • Then illustrate a google slideshare with plenty of examples, photos, inserts, screen shots, snips tools of the competition.
  • Save this presentation as a pdf and then import into voicethread.com
  • Narrate your commentary over the top of the slideshare making sure the images are relevant to your examples on the slides.
  • Embed the voicethread into your blog.