Hand drawn mock up

Key Terms: genre, star image, encoding, decoding, preferred readings, REPERTOIRE OF ELEMENTS, NARRATIVE, the same but different – developing, using conventions.


Please use the next lesson(s) to produce a hand drawn mock up of the digipack you are going to make in the next 2 weeks.  Collate the best ideas from your moodboards.

You should:

  • Drawn, mock-up design of digipak – 4 panes on A3 paper.
  • Annotated with conventional and technical features.


Annotate the designs with the conventional technical elements (barcode, song titles, publisher etc) but also label the designs with how the Media Language of print will help encode the star image and metanarrative of the performer – font, colours, design, graphics, illustration, framing etc. What are the conventional design features for your genre that you will be including? What are you using to encode meaning – what media language will you be employing – font, text, colour, images etc?

PDF the design into your blog.

Digipak moodboard -padlet

KEY TERMS: brand image, connotations, representations, star image, repertoire of elements, genre conventions.

After considering how genre is reflected in the design of a Digipak, you will now have to create a group padlet moodboard to collate ideas for your Digipak cover @ 20 images You must add comments as to why it has been included…

  • the sallow colour palette matches her mellow star image,
  • the distressed font helps represent the anarchy of the band etc.
  • the provocative image is representative of her confident and arrogant nature of the band

Remember you are creating an album cover for the band/performer – not just the song you have done your music video for, although this will feature in the song list.

You should consider all of the following and find images, ideas to illustrate the feel of the Digipak design.

  1. Images – MES, locations, characters, designs, graphics, illustrations, photos etc
  2. Typefaces
  3. Colour Schemes
  4. Inspirational Digipacks – something similar?
  5. Logos
  6. Copy Ideas – text etc.


  • Colour Scheme Designer (Mixes colours and find complementary ones)
  • Colour Lovers ( a brilliant site with pallettes hex codes (copy and paste in Photoshop)
  • Flikr (great images)
  • Pintrest (good for typefaces, textures, design ideas…)
  • Behance (Lots of portfolios of work from inspirational creatives)
  • Typography to inspire (100 great pieces of typography to feed your inspiration)

Digipak conventions

KEY TERMS:  convey, suggest, represent, show, highlight, infers, highlights, technical conventions/forms (barcode, copywrite, tracks etc)  etc, denotations, connotations, star image, genre.

We now need to have a look at how digipacks  are designed to work alongside videos to support the promotion of a new album.

Media Form & Conventions

Key questions to consider on digipack covers.

  • What do they have in common?
  • What are the forms (technical elements for all CD covers)
  • What are the generic conventions (designs particular to that genre of the music)?

Here are our notes on the form & conventions of a digipack. Read them when you get stuck or looking for inspiration.


Now you must find a digipack cover from the same genre as your music video (not your actual artist – find another artist from the same genre)  and annotate it for the forms and generic conventions. This must be uploaded to your blog. Make it detailed and use the terms from the sheets below. Try and find the back of it too, that would be great for some of the technical forms i.e. bar code, publisher logo etc.

You should focus on: images, graphics, illustrations, font, colour, technical conventions (bar-code, parental advisory, album title on spine, tracks on the back), register of copy, mise-en-scene, composition, intertextual references, how does the cover communicate meaning, denotations and connotations, image manipulation, filters, generic conventions, how can it be ‘read/interpreted’ by an audience, star image, meta-narrative, representation?

Example Analysis

Our Mission Statement

KEY TERMS: brand, integrated advertising, promotion, audience, USP, mission statement, call to action.

Remember the brief?

promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music video (major task), together with a social media page for the band and a digipak for the album’s release (minor tasks).

It is important to note from the beginning that you are not making a digipack and social media page to advertise your music video! You are launching a new album, which contains that song, but which also contains a number of other tracks.

So before you start planning the print and web elements of this promotional package. You need to be clear about the mission statement for the whole campaign. You must think more holistically about the album and create an integrated advertising campaign…

Your Marketing Strategy & Mission Statement

Who is your Audience?  Revisit your audience profile from the music video.

  • Who they are (demographics)
  • What other media they consume and participate in.
  • What their values attitudes and beliefs (ideology / psychographics)

A Call to Action

  • How do you want the audience to engage with your star / album
  • How will they invest time and money in your star / album

Who are the competition?

  • Name three similar bands / artists.
  • What are the trends in album designs of similar stars / bands?
  • What does their website look like?

Your USP (Unique Selling Point)

  • Is your star already established or are trying to establish a new presence in the market?
  • What is your star image & how are you trying to innovate / develop that image?
    • Are you mixing up elements of different genres?
    • Are you trying to re-brand your star?
    • Are you emphasising the ordinary or extraordinary?
      • Remember according to Dyer meta narratives include both.

Your Mission Statement.

  • In 50 words or fewer write an agreed mission statement that includes the central idea that will unify your brand.
    • This will include ideas represented in your music video, but must also bring in a wider range of ideas that you will develop as you make a 3D Moodboard.


As a group, create a google slide (example) that addresses the various aspects and complete brief notes in response to the questions.

Then, complete the mission statement in production groups and copy it into your blog.

This blog post is essential for when you come to complete Creative Critical Reflection  and have to address how ‘do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’?’



Sunnies puts the vibe into indie rock.  Influenced by the best of Poland’s underground punk scene and the top tenners of UK Brit Pop, the Sunnies aim to go ‘where no man has gone before’. Combining a musical landscape of hard rock rifs, abrasive punk lyrics and indiistic themes, the band will satisfy the hardest of new wave critics. The new album, DON’T RAIN ON MY WELLIES,  is destined for a Grammy – making it number 3 on their mantelpiece of success.


Skye is this decade’s rising moon.  Mixing indie folk and Appalachian A Capella, Skye’s haunting acoustic tones and her quirky and experimental performance style, combines the best of festival fantasy, giving her fans a visual and auditory kaleidoscope.  The new album, SKYE HIGH, features the hit song, ‘SIGH NO MORE’ and will tease the socks off the best of British female artists including Kate Bush and Florence and the Machine.


Draft 4 – last draft and peer feedback

This is your penultimate draft.

Aim to get at least 2 other media aware students to watch it with you. Film yourselves watching it and have a conversation about it. Stop and ask them for feedback on certain aspects – do they like the filter and if not why not? Does the narrative make sense? What about the star image?

Then edit it together and up load it as your last piece of feedback.

The final version for the home page, has to be uploaded within the month so you can tweak it if the 4th draft feedback throws up any issues.


Draft 3 – peer assessment & feedback on YouTube


Finalise your draft 3 edit and then…

When your draft 3 is complete please turn your name on the spreadsheet green.

Feeding Back

Feedback on 2 different student’s music videos

  1. Below is a sheet which lists who you should be sharing your Draft 3 with on YouTube.
  2. Your peers should respond to the video in the comments section in YouTube, which you will then snip out and upload to your blog (below draft 3) as feedback.
  3. Summarise and reflect on their feedback. When you are giving feedback make sure you use media terminology and provide constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve the edit.
  4. Make sure you review the videos that are shared with you, either directly or find them on the student blogs.

It is your responsibility to review their Draft 3 to enable them to move forward with draft 4.

Please use this link to edit the spread sheet. Turn the cell green on your name once you have given feedback. You may be in twice for a different video.

You must contact those listed to let them know it is on youtube and give them the link.


Deadline approaching

The deadline for a finished music video is fast approaching.

4th October 2020

We will then be moving on to the digipak and social media page and you need a finished music video in order to be able to focus on these and also compile these.

If the final, final, home page version is not completely done and dusted by the end of next week, then don’t panic. However,  you need to have all 4 drafts done with all the relevant feedback and self-assessments done by then.

Good luck.

Narrative – PMA and RA


Risk, danger, mise en scene, props, make up, setting, costume, lighting, acting, body language, gesture, facial expressions.


Use the these documents and ensure you have ample detail on them to cover yourself and your actors for risk and also you are absolutely sure about props, make-up, costume, locations etc.

Take copies and put them in a shared Google Drive Folder

Production Meeting Agenda
Risk Assessment

Narrative Story/Shot Sheets


Structure, coverage, chronology, conflict, disruption, resolution, equilibrium


These are examples of really detailed storyboards.  In the professional world you would be required to complete individual drawings for each and every shot.


  • Break the narrative into key scenes i.e. bedroom, park, dancing in flour, escape…
  • Each separate scene becomes one A4 landscape drawing – stick people are fine.
  • Each A4 sheet is annotated with specific shots and descriptions of angles, movement, framing that you want to take and ensure you have when you are shooting that scene. This will ensure you have coverage, a variety of shots and enough footage to be able to convey the narrative.