Blumler & Katz

Key Terms: Uses & Gratification Theory (incl. personal identity, social relationships, information (surveillance) and entertainment (diversion)), active audience, audience, prosumers.

What motives you, indeed what motivates anyone, to consumer the media?

Blumler & Katz suggested their are four basic uses and gratification at work…

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SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS – We build a (hyperreal) relationship with celebrities and stars we see in media texts; After all, we like familiar faces and, to a degree, media personalities offer audiences a sense of companionship. Moreover, we build our social lives, at least in part, using media as a topic of conversation / interaction with our friends and family. We also like to consume media as part of our social lives – ever watched TV with friends and family? There you go, social relationships.

PERSONAL IDENTITY – Humans are social animals (see above) but as part of that we also construct an internal model for ourselves, which we use to define who we are to others and to ourselves. Psychologists have a lot to say about this. Media representations and narratives acts as a pattern of behaviour that we use to model ourselves upon. Narratives in films and TV can act as a playing out of situations similar to those we experience in real life, albeit exaggerated ones. We see ourselves in the black mirror of our screens and shape our personal identity based on role models we see reflected there.

ENTERTAINMENT– The audience seek diversion. We all seek escape from the routine or pressures of our real lives. Where better to find an exciting and emotional escape, but via the media?

INFORMATION – Who should we vote for? Where can I buy that ticket or item of clothing? What’s the weather going to be like? What’s happening in other parts of the world? How do I mend a mobile phone I’ve dropped down the loo? What’s hot, what’s not? What position does my team have in the league? Information is helpful – we use the media to find it.

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Glossary of Terms:

  • Reception theory – Media theories, which try to describe the relationship between media audiences and industries. Also, to what degree does media influence the behaviours and ideology of the individual and society in general.
  • Passive audience – According to some theories audience consume media texts passively and take on board representations and ideologies without thinking about them
  • Active audience – Many theories, including Blumler & Katz, suggest that audiences are active and use the media consciously to satisfy their wants and needs as well as evaluating representations and ideologies before adopting them as their own.
  • Prosumers – Audience members that interact with other media texts or make their own homemade media texts – often appropriating and/or remixing existing media. We’re all journalists now.
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