Social Media Page – Marketing timeline

KEY TERMS: Viral, guerilla, promotions, AIDA (attractive/attention, interest, desire and call to Action), marketing campaign, timeline, entertainment, information, social interaction, personal identity, teasers.

Timing is an essential skill in building a marketing campaign.

A good marketing campaign starts with teasers, publishes launch dates, offers sneak peeks, offers interactive experiences, builds the excitement through a series of events, building to a climax which is…the album launch.

You should consider this within your group, and with reference to professional examples.

When and what you are going to post to build your campaign to a fever pitch of fan excitement?

TASK 1: Marketing Research

This is a golden opportunity to remind yourself about the professional marketing campaigns which, led to the release of an album that we explored when we studied the music industry.
This acts as revision for your mock exam in February.

Remember SANDBOX:

Using the Sandbox Case Studies from the music industry, you must find approximately 3 exciting marketing ideas that you can ‘borrow’ for your own campaign.

Remember you want your content to go viral, you might even want some guerrilla marketing stunts in there and some teasers too! The sky’s the limit!

TASK 2: Timeline for the Marketing campaign – PLAN IT WELL AND IT WILL HAPPEN REALLY EASILY

Create a chronological timeline of what you will post and when. You can use an app or simply use post it notes with the specific:

Posts, video, gifs, memes, live-chats, promotions, interviews, teasers, merchandise, tickets, endorsements, events…etc

A minimum of 10 exciting, purposeful posts.

Take a photo and then you can start populating, designing, crafting your page for Draft 1.

This is a link to some excellent exemplars.

Digipak – Drafts 1, 2 and 3 and Final


Draft 1 needs to be assessed in relation to the assessment criteria in the slideshow below – you need to award yourself a grade once you have assessed it. You can simply cut and paste the analysis and then insert your own examples from your text.

Draft 2 will be a teacher Screencastify.

Draft 3 needs you to print it off and then put it in a case – take a photo – then do a quick survey amongst friends asking which of the 7 genres it represents. Present this research as evidence that:

  • Your digipack received a ‘preferred , negotiated / oppositional reading.
  • That the representation of the star / genre is evident in the design.
  • That your branding communicated your mission statement.

Final draft all 4 panes and reflection using key terms above.  then it goes on the home page, introduced as 1 x A3 with labelled panes and the full PDF attached.




Social Media Page – conventions analysis


AIDA (attention, interest, desire and call to Action), entertainment, information, personal identity, social interaction, uses and gratification, integrated advertising, promotion, viral/guerilla marketing, technical conventions, USP = ALL THE KEY TECHNICAL CONVENTIONS TERMS YOU CAN INCLUDE.

Research Task – Group task

  • As a group, choose a Facebook/Instagram page for an artist, similar to yours or your can choose your own artist in real life.
  • Using all the terms you now know, script and record a Screencastify of your star.

Answer these questions during the Screencastify:

  1. What is conventional about the page in terms of technical conventions (use terms).
  2. How does the SMP page encourage AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action) through its design and content?
  3. How does the SMP page enable the audience’s Uses and Gratifications.
    • …or how does provide its users with opportunities for Entertainment, Information, Personal Identity and Social Interaction – B + K
  4. How far is the SMP page a good example of integrated advertising and how far does it encourage it to go ‘viral’ and use ‘guerrilla’ marketing to help promote its star?
  5. How is the star represented – ordinary, extraordinary, present and absent – Dyer?

Use key terms related to star image i.e. extraordinary, ordinary, paradox of the star and also key terms related to audience i.e. encode, decode, preferred reading etc.

Social Media Page – Key Terminology


Technical conventions, social media platform, marketing campaign, promotion, awareness, target audience.

Let’s remind ourselves of the Brief.

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music video (major task), together with a social media page for the band and a digipak for the album’s release (minor tasks).

So now it’s a chance to PROMOTE the release of the album and the music video through designing and populating a Social Media Page.


We are going to use PAGES in FACEBOOK  or an INSTAGRAM PAGE…you choose.

Here are some excellent previous submissions.

  • – instagram
  • – instagram
  • – facebook
  • – twitter


You will need to create individual pages from your accounts and then you can populate the feeds with the same content that you work on together.  You can create a group Instagram page with no problem but if you want to do Facebook, then create your own page on your own login.

Due to possible privacy issues – YOU MUST TAKE REGULAR SCREEN SHOTS OF YOUR WORK.  You will also need these to do a screencastify on so save them carefully and label them well. Do we really need to do this – we didn’t have any issues last year!

This is what a presentation will look like:



THIS WILL ALSO MITIGATE THE POSSIBILITY that the examiner may not be able to view the page or THAT IT IS TAKEN DOWN.

Terminology to Describe Social Media

The terminology, the technical conventions of a social media page on Facebook are important to understand, apply and use in your work.

How many of these key social media terms do you recognise and can work out what they refer to?

Task 1 – individual task

  1. Take screen shots of a Facebook/Instagram page from an artist, similar to your own.
  2. Annotate the screen shots with the key terms that you now know are important when talking about, designing and using a Facebook/Instagram page for promotion.
    • Many of the terms are relevant for all social media platforms.

Find at least 10 of the terms.

Do very brief explanations of the terminology and these technical conventions.

An example – Work in Progress

Embed into the post and do an introduction with the key terms above and reflection.

Digipak – Draft 1 – THE FRONT AND BACK

KEY TERMS:  assessment criteria, star image, brand, package, integrated advertising.


Now that you have Draft 1 of your digipack – the front and back panes, you need to understand how it will be assessed and whether your project is on the right lines.

Does it contain the necessary elements to get a good grade?

Embed your digipack panes and use the following criteria to assess its appropriateness and level of production skill.  What level do you think you are on in relation to the following…

Assessment criteria

  • Use of camera and Photoshop to take & manipulate engaging images.
  • Selection of mise-en-scene in the photos and the meaning it communicates.
  • Creative use of DTP to integrate images and text and  use colour / typefaces

Make a google slide and create a similar assessment to the ones in the slideshow.  This will give you a good idea at what level you are currently working at and what you need to do to improve.

Copywrite and DP template for Indesign

Copyright Info

© & Ⓟ Your name/band nameyear. All rights of the produced and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this recording prohibited.

You can use the publisher logo and barcode from the web.

Use the digipak template in indesign or Mr Gregson’s in the P Drive.

P:\Digipack Template

If you want it to be absolutely accurate then use the following dimensions which will fit in the plastic covers better.

Front Cover and Inside Left.

  • 125mm wide x 120mm high

Inside Right:

  • 140mm wide x 120mm high

Back Cover:

  • 150mm wide (includes 2 x spines of 5mm each) x 120mm high
  • Your Digipak project should look something like this.

Photographic inspiration

This website has lots of ideas from artists and media makers around the world. It might just offer you some inspiration for your MES – remember simple but meaningful use of MES could make all the difference: some broken plates, antique books, a bright red balloon, tattered armchair, sleek hair do, interesting window frame, bright red lipstick, beaten up car etc.

However, be careful not to over stretch yourself. Look at previous student’s work and see what is likely and possible. You may have to ‘cut your cloth’ (plan one’s aims and activities in line with one’s resources and circumstances) and do something simple and brilliantly as opposed to attempt something spectacular but badly.

Look around – we have some amazing backdrops:

Visit at home (as it is blocked in school) and visit the photography section where there are various amazing ideas for photos.

Or look at the ordinary and make it different in photoshop - all kinds of backgrounds can be liquified, over exposed etc to create some exciting backgrounds.
And what about these we did in PEP, Smartphone photography - much of this was inspired by the insta site below.
 You should also follow phototricks117 on instagram - they have amazing tricks and techniques for intriguing photos.

Digipak – Risk Assessment and Production Meeting Agenda

This week you should be planning, executing and producing your Digipak.  Make sure your planning is precise and comprehensive. All planning documents should be uploaded to the blog. You will have to organise your group, models and performers. Remember you have fewer lessons this week so you need to work in a focused manner.

Make copies of the PMA and RA sheets.

Production Meetings Agenda

Risk Assessment

If you are focusing on illustrations, then upload sketches, designs, doodles to evidence your process and progress.

Digipak mock up

Key Terms: genre, star image, encoding, decoding, preferred readings (Hall's theory), REPERTOIRE OF ELEMENTS (Altman's theory), NARRATIVE, the same but different - developing, using conventions.

You should:

  • Drawn or photo mock-up design of digipak – 2 panes (front and back) on A3 paper.
  • Annotated with conventional and technical features.

Annotate the designs with the conventional technical elements (barcode, song titles, publisher etc) but also label the designs with how the Media Language of print will help encode the star image and metanarrative of the performer – font, colours, design, graphics, illustration, framing etc. What are the conventional design features for your genre that you will be including? What are you using to encode meaning – what media language will you be employing – font, text, colour, images etc?

PDF the design into your blog.

Digipak Conventions Analysis

KEY TERMS:  repertoire of elements, blueprint, convey, suggest, represent, show, highlight, infers, highlights, technical conventions/forms (barcode, copywrite, tracks etc)  etc, denotations, connotations, star image, genre.

Explore how digipacks  are designed to work as part of a multimedia package to support the launch of a new album – THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL POST

Media Form & Conventions

Key questions to consider on digipack covers.

  1. What are the formal / technical elements of (ALL) digipacks?
  2. What are the generic conventions (designs particular to your genre)?

Here are our notes on the form & conventions of a digipack. Read them when you get stuck or looking for inspiration.


  • Find a digipack cover from the same genre as your music video, not your actual artist – find another similar band / artist from the same genre).
    • Find the back panel; that would be great for some of the technical forms i.e. bar code, publisher logo etc.
  • Annotate it for the formal / technical conventions and generic conventions.
    • Make it detailed and use the terms/ideas in the sheet above.
  • Download as a Jpeg & PDF.
  • Upload it into your blog.


You should focus on: the representation achieved through: images, graphics, illustrations, font, colour, technical conventions (bar-code, parental advisory, album title on spine, tracks on the back), register of copy, mise-en-scene, composition, intertextual references, how does the cover communicate meaning, denotations and connotations, image manipulation, filters, generic conventions, how can it be ‘read/interpreted’ by an audience, star image, meta-narrative, representation?


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