January 18



Adverts have to be targeted to a specific audience to receive the most amount of attention, certain audiences will be interested in different things in adverts, all audiences are different depending on age, gender, where they live and ethnicity.

For example, food magazines might advertise a type of food or ingredient but it would never be seen in a music magazine as it is not relevant, audiences will want to precipitate in the action from the magazine so the adverts have to call out to them.

  • Adverts in magazines need to be catered to that specific audience that is going to read the magazine.
  • They need to relate to a demographic.
  • Need to be attractive and inviting
  • By using celebrities audiences are more likely to purchase the product
  • If festivals and concerts are advertised within magazines audiences will be more interested



These images are ideas for adverts, they are all high resolution so that when I put them into my magazine they will be clear and fit in well to the magazine, therefore, completing it as a professional magazine.

Image result for bts tour 2019


This advert of a BTS tour in Seoul would be an effective advert in my magazine as teen girls will want to go to the tour and be part of the community and get closer to the idols, it is a rare experience to go to a Kpop concert as all the tickets sell out. If the tour advert is present in a magazine more people will be aware of the date and times of the tour, the target audience will want to go to concerts and tours as it affects communication with other fans of the group and builds personal interest. From the use of celebrities in the magazine audiences are much more likely to purchase the magazine and what the advert is advertising.


Image result for high resolution kpop adverts


The advert of the Kpop style ideas will give the demographic a sense of personal identity within the magazine reinforcing their interest in the genre of Kpop, by building a sense of interest in Korean fashion audiences will be able to expand their community and get the chance to meet new people who are interested in the same thing. The bright colours and pop in the advert will catch readers eyes, and by following the fashion of Kpop audience members may feel closer to the idols and celebrities. Having this advert in the magazine it relates to the genre of Kpop as it focuses on Kpop fashion.

Posted 18th January 2020 by minmaddison in category Component 1, Music Magazine

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